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13 years ago

When I tell my xian friends that religious studies was my minor in university, they still wonder why I’m an atheist. Read and the truth shall be revealed.

13 years ago

I’ve read it twice. Why do you think I’m an atheist?

13 years ago

Yes.. I do think Oso is an Obamatheist! LOL

makes sense doesn’t it? the graft?

13 years ago

Yes, I have read the entire Bible. Many times. It says:

“And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”

That’s it. I’ve read it many times.

There isn’t anything else in the Bible, is there???

13 years ago

Does the lolcat Bible count? That is the one I have read all the way through? The regular Bible just was too sleep inducing for me. Although the begetting and violence and flood story did pique my interest.

13 years ago

I have. I once translated most of the NT from the kione. I thought it contained a lot of truth as long as I did not try to take it too literally.

13 years ago

I don’t believe even the Pope has ever made it all the way through that thing. It must be the most horribly-edited book in existence.

Reply to  Infidel753
13 years ago

And one of the most boring. Ezkiel beget Ashjakia, who beget Elam, who beget Jeremia, who beget…

13 years ago

I didn’t see “Lawyers” in the pie chart.

13 years ago


You know what’s kinda funny, it’s like the reason I read so much of the healthcare and financial reform bills-so I could complain about them and use the knowledge to rebut the arguments in their favor.

I’ve never read the Bible other than parts of it. I’m a believer so I don’t need to, I guess?

So does that make me an Obamatheist, and you guys the equivalent of the Christians ? And if so-where do the lions enter into the picture ?

Randal Graves
13 years ago

It’s a pretty entertaining read for the most part. Save for those mind-numbing descendant lists.

13 years ago

LOL LOL!! I LOVE this pie chart!

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