Tracking the Pacific Trash Vortex – Update

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Just wanted to give an update on how the Ocean Tracking message bottle project is going.

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s an illustration to show how it will work.

The path of the “message bottle”,  as it floats in the ocean over time, will be displayed similar to the picture shown below.

This is the actual tracking of a shark as it swims in the Pacific Ocean over a period of time. The white line shows the path of the shark over a period of days and weeks.

Our bottle concept works in exactly the same way.

This is going to be so cool!

About Post Author

Carol Bell

Carol is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Her passion is journalism and it shows. Carol is our unpaid, but very efficient, administrative secretary.
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13 years ago

Wait I just thought of something-Krell are you doing this with ALL your trash or just this single bottle ? Cause the bandwidth to track all the mcdonalds wrappers, cat food tins,coke and pepsi cans and prophylactics may begin overloading the routers carrying the traffic, which in turn may affect internet porn.

Reply to  osori
13 years ago

Hmmmm….I think that you may have something there, Oso.

Come to think of it, I just paid my yearly subscription to “British Babes in Bathtubs full of Beans” website. Nothing can interfere with that!!

13 years ago

This gets more cool by the minute, my daughter is going on a cruise in November, I live less than an hour from the ocean, is there anything I can do?

Reply to  Holte Ender
13 years ago

Holte, I think I’ll take you up on that. Just so we can keep as much of it in the MMA family so to speak.

I will email you. Thanks.

13 years ago


You should have put a message in the bottle though.

I dunno…some’at like ‘Stop the plastic island!’ or ‘If you see a crab in this bottle save it!’…..or some’at…;-)

Reply to  fourdinners
13 years ago

How about a MMA Tee shirt?

13 years ago

Krell did you do this to bring attention to the floating trash in the ocean, or just to see if the bottle would go around the world? I am interested to see why you thought of doing this.

Reply to  Jess
13 years ago

I did this as a way to bring attention to this trash island. Necessity is the mofo of invention..

Reply to  Krell
13 years ago

I do have a strange desire to make a radio out of coconuts for my own personal pleasure though. I have already tried to get MH to wear a coconut bra but that idea didn’t fly.

Reply to  Krell
13 years ago

Are you like the professor from Gilligan’s Island and expected MH to be who, Maryanne or Ginger with the coconut girls cover? I have heard this question causes fights so if you don’t want to answer, there is no need to :). Hubby is a Maryanne person or so he told me.

I’m really interested now in watching what this does and passing on the info to others I know would be interested in it. Nerdy science geeks.

Reply to  Jess
13 years ago

Mary Anne of course.

Ginger was a Marylin Monroe wannabe. Besides she would have been too high maintenance.

Probably would have taken my coconut radio with the divorce settlement.

Reply to  Jess
13 years ago


13 years ago

What’s on the message? Have I missed some’at here? Typical!

Reply to  fourdinners
13 years ago

Good question, 4D.

The whole point besides the geeky coolness of it is that the bottle will start way over on the eastern part of the Northern Pacific current and wind up in what is called a Gyre or “eye” of the nothern and southern oceans currents, just like all plastic that is being dumped in the ocean.

What this Gyre does is concentrate plastic trash to the point that right now there is a plastic “island” in the middle of the Pacific that is larger than the state of Texas. About 47,000 bits of plastic per square mile of ocean.

So to answer the question, there is no message in the bottle. The bottle itself is the message. Draw attention to this horrible mess in the Pacific, and maybe show how it happens. Awareness.

13 years ago

Oh man!!!! This is seriously cool and I knew about it!! I can’t wait for that integration K.

Reply to  Professor Mike
13 years ago

Mike keep in mind there’s not an actual coaxial cable running from the bottle to your PC.

Reply to  osori
13 years ago

Oh crap….redesign.

13 years ago

Yes ! This is cool!

13 years ago

That is cool.

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