Thinking about God stresses out Atheists?

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Thinking about God activates a part of the brain that relieves stress, but only for believers—atheists experience heightened stress when exposed to God-related ideas. A study by Canadian researchers found that when those with religious beliefs were primed to think about God, it decreased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain that regulates bodily arousal when things are going wrong (such as making mistakes).

Atheists who experienced the same stimuli became more stressed and prone to making errors. “I think it behooves us as psychologists to study why people have these beliefs; exploring what functions, if any, they may serve,” a study co-author told UPI. He also noted that atheists may have done better if they had been prompted to think of their own beliefs. Read the full article.

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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13 years ago

What is always lost on me when debating with atheist is what kind of “believer” are you talking about? Fundamentalist, those that loosely go along for the ride not really ever giving it much thought, or those that tackle the big questions with open-minded skepticism but start with the basic premise, what if there is more to it than just the physical self. We are intelligent creatures without access to most of the facts. I rule out the possibility that there is a Biblical God that treats us like a bi-polar and violent pet owner. I believe that there is a way to contemplate spirit without compromising rationality.

Reply to  The Lawyer
13 years ago

That was a great one…”Bi-Polar and violent pet owner”

13 years ago

The ones with the glassiest eyes come from Utah.

I am so very glad that you can’t post a picture with a comment. I would hate to see an illustration of ROFLMCAO!

13 years ago

Mother Hen – “peace and glassy eyes”


Reply to  osori
13 years ago

I have not heard that acronym before- what is it, “Rip one fart, launch manure chunks all over?” Sure hope not- for Dulce’s sake at least.

Reply to  Mother Hen
13 years ago

I think I like that better than laughing my christian ass off! There really are a lot of peaceful glassy-eyed Christians out there, but you omitted “slack-jawed”.

Reply to  Professor Mike
13 years ago

I don’t know about that MM. I can only use my personal example, of a late 50s mom and an early 60s dad dying before they had lived long lives and they were the believeryist(technical term doncha know) believers you could ever meet. So in my personal space, that is a 66%+ big no on the believers living long lives. With the godless liberal(Coultergeist word) bringing up the rear and living, happily I might add. Me, I plan on outlasting everyone and causing much stress to my yet to be heres and their yet to be heres.

13 years ago

Hmm, see this is another of those reasons, I just don’t think about God. Feel good article for people who believe, so their beliefs can be put into a little box of see, you are more happy than those heathens over there who don’t believe.

13 years ago

From the article-
Although not unequivocal, Inzlicht says, there is some evidence that religious people live longer and tend to be happier and healthier.

From me-
Kiss my ass! Me and the rest are just fine asshole. Another example for the sheep to let them think their stupid ass beliefs in an imaginary finger snapper has credibility. No wonder these people are so fucked up.

13 years ago

odd…I thought about Bowie the other day and felt fine….

13 years ago

This is just a study on cognitive dissonance. Illogical arguments and willful ignorance stress me out if they are coming from sources I previously respected or felt were intelligent.

Is it accurate to claim atheists have stress when thinking of God, or that they just do NOT have peace and glassy eyes?

Reply to  Mother Hen
13 years ago

Nailed it. My thoughts exactly. It’s the logic and psychology of it.

If I started talking about why Buddhism makes the most sense, more as a philosophy and self-psychotherpeutic method, than a religion, and why Fox News is a bunch of semi-retarded propaganda, to a fundamentalist in the heartland, they would feel anxiety too.

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