What happens when nothing happens?

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When a person make a statement about an issue, especially a predictive one, it should matter whether or not they turn out to be right or wrong. For example, when a person says that the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is going to spell doom for our nation’s ability to defend itself, that person should be forced to answer for such a statement if and when it turns out that they were completely mistaken. That this sort of thing almost never happens in our debates in this country is, I think, one of the major failings of our political discourse.

When you’re wrong, it should mean something. It does, by the way, to those of us who care about being right – and I mean really care. I’m a stickler for the truth myself, and it bothers me when I turn out to be wrong about something. In fact it bothers me so much to be wrong that when I am I’ll admit it, and furthermore I’ll switch my position to the one that’s right. To me, the way to satisfy a need to always be right is to just simply take the correct positions on issues that can be proved right or wrong. It’s pretty simple really.

This is not, unfortunately, the way that most conservatives (and, frankly, many liberals) seem to handle being wrong. Instead, they refuse to accept facts that challenge their beliefs, even when those facts are quite straightforward. The position that allowing gay marriage will doom our society to social disintegration is widely held, and yet demonstrably false. Many European nations have allowed it for years with no noticeable changes except that perhaps gay people are less persecuted there. And states here that have begun to allow it have not suddenly fallen apart at the seams. Yet the “debate” rages on, as if there is actually a debate to be had.

A recent poll has shown that 40% of Americans believe in some form of Creationism. That’s an astounding number when you consider the overwhelming body of evidence proving evolution. Yet, again, I rarely see creationists treated as dismissively as they deserve to be. We allow them on television (which we should considering the 1st Amendment), but once there we give the the same opportunity to speak their mind as the scientists. We treat them as equals in a debate even though they add nothing substantive to it.

People have the right to believe whatever they want, that’s what freedom is. However, all the rest of us have the right to challenge those beliefs if we believe otherwise – especially if we think we can prove that they are wrong. Once we do prove it, it’s up to them to either change those wrongly held beliefs – like a person who is truly concerned about the truth would – or be relegated to the background and labeled a zealot who cares nothing for reality. In a few years time, when gay people have been allowed to openly serve for an extended period and our military is as strong or stronger than ever, who will take the time to ask the Sarah Palins and John McCains of the world how they could have been so wrong? Hopefully some of us will. Otherwise, how can we really say that we care about the truth at all?

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Michael Edward Kelly

Michael Edward Kelly has opinions and is looking forward to sharing them with you.
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John Myste
13 years ago

The need to be right is a human need and the avoidance of accepting that was is wrong, is also human instinct. I agree that it should not be. My favorite essay is Emerson’s Self Reliance. It is very small, and I think it is something everyone should read.

13 years ago

What happens if Americans stop emphasising their middle name?

Night John Boy…..(does ‘Boy’ qualify?)…;-)

13 years ago

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michael Scott. Michael Scott said: RT @madmike1 What happens when nothing happens? http://bit.ly/dKBQvk […]

13 years ago

People have the right to believe whatever they want, that’s what freedom is. However, all the rest of us have the right to challenge those beliefs if we believe otherwise –

People can hold whatever beliefs they want, but they can’t hold their own facts.

13 years ago

I agree with Oso on this issue. The MSM is part of America’s cultural makeup. Twenty years ago, if not ten, I would have scoffed at that statement. Today, however it has merit.

The MSM can shape the thinking of society by the way they report it. The fact that 40% of Americans believe in creationism is partly derived from the pulpit preachers and the Right Wing Talkers e.g. FOX NEWS.

Unfortunately the America of today is not the America of yesterday. Our quality of education has deteriorated beyond the point of recognition and God is everywhere.

In conclusion I am sadly confident that the United States is a dying empire, much like Rome and all of those who have long since fallen. The apathy coupled with the capitalism that once represented the dream but now only represents the nightmare is destroying us. Religion and its loyal minions (not all) are helping the process along.

13 years ago

I can’t help thinking some of the blame is due to the MSM feeling a need to show “balance” or both sides on every issue.

Example might be an alleged WMD controversy – there WAS no controversy cause there were no WMD’s. Or maybe the controversy over Palestinian right of return, again among reasonable people there’s no controversy-people driven from their land illegally have a perfect right of return.

DADT? No controversy, people have the right to serve their country regardless of race or religion or sexual preference.

So if there’s some validity to my train of thought here, should every issue have two sides then each side would have its vocal adherents, already sold on the righteousness of their belief with no need to have it elaborated upon. Also two minute soundbites, stupid viewers and stupid TV/Radio personalities would also negate the need for due diligence on the issues.

13 years ago

[…] Read the full article here. […]

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