Sally Kern Tries to Apologize for being an Unmitigated Bigot

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Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, recently set off a roaring prairie fire, the stink of which can be smelled across America, when she made controversial statements about African Americans and women. Unless you are a flag-waving, red-meat all American man, you could find reason to be offended by Kern’s remarks made on the house floor in the Oklahoma Capital building.

In support of a measure, the aim of which is to kill affirmative action in Oklahoma, Kern said on the house floor that minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard and have less initiative.

If that weren’t incendiary enough, she added, “We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that’s tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don’t want to study as hard in school? I’ve taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t study hard because they said the government would take care of them.”

Kern also said women earn less than men because “they tend to spend more time at home with their families.”

Not only did she manage to rile every minority under the sun, she also made a compelling case as to why we still need affirmative action. Because there are people out there that still see the world the way Sally does.

Today her apology was released. “I want to humbly apologize for my statements last night about African Americans and women,” she said. “I believe that our government should not provide preference based on race or gender. I misspoke while trying to convey this point last night during debate.

“Women are some of the hardest workers in the world. My husband is a pastor of a diverse, inner-city church and the way that my words came out last night is certainly not my true spirit.”

The general sentiment of her unconvincing apology is, I really didn’t mean what I plainly said. Sally, like all bigots, says exactly what she really believes when she is speaking from the “heart.” When bigots find themselves in what they imagine to be a venue friendly to their degenerate notions of reality and social justice they dial it up, and the hate flames forth.

That’s the same way she has always spoken–largely in the absence of quality cognition.

Some time back she was quoted saying that she believed homosexuality to be a greater threat to America than terrorism or Islam (terrorism and Islam being the same thing in her cramped head, I’m sure).

Everyone who voted for that shrew should seriously consider re-thinking their lives–or just start thinking.

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C.H. McDermott

C.H. McDermott is a jack-nut doing what he loves best, which changes with each passing moment.
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12 years ago

Freedom of speech is important, even freedom to say idiotic, untrue things, but for an elected official to spout that crap. Jeez.

12 years ago

Over here the ‘lefties’ are in uproar after Prime Minister Cameron said to a raving leftie who wouldn’t stop screeching at him in the House Of Commons “Calm down dear”…Apparently this is offensive.

Freedom of speech people. Freedom of speech.

Disagree with what ever this woman said by all means, (and, as it happens, I do), but stop her from saying it and you aren’t a democracy.


Reply to  C.H. McDermott
12 years ago

Call the silly cow out by all means but you are right old bean. If you shut up the village idiot you aren’t a democracy.

We’ve a serious issue over here in England right now re democracy….

The PM makes a patronising statement to a female MP (who deserved the statement in my view) and all hell breaks lose.

Whether the PM is right or wrong is irrelevent.

He has the right to say ‘Calm down dear’ – a statement that invariably upsets the left over here – or we can’t say what we think….and in a democracy everyone has the right to say what they think – even that silly cow in your post….or even the Islamic Fundamentalists we’ve inherited over here.

I might hate them but I’d support their right to say what they’d say – which is more than they’d do for me clearly but, then again…I believe in true democracy.

Donna Warfield Smith
12 years ago

Sally Kern cannon be in a position of power simply because she cannot look past the end of her nose. I would like for her to dig post holes, standing beside a black person, making the same wages and see who digs the most. I bet she has some prime comments about the Native Americans in Oklahoma, too. And, I am assuming her home and family has suffered because she appears to be a successful female worker. SHE NEEDS TO BE PUT BACK INTO THE DARK AGES WHERE HER MIND IS!!! By,the way, I am a successful Native American mother, wife and business woman with a career and beautiful daughters who are also successful businesswomen and mothers and wives. What path has she been walking?

Reply to  Donna Warfield Smith
12 years ago

Or, what’s she been smoking? “SHE NEEDS TO BE PUT BACK INTO THE DARK AGES WHERE HER MIND IS!!!” Spot on, Donna. For all the goofy things Sally has said, I’ve never heard her take on the native population of Oklahoma, except indirectly with the minority quip and the women dig.

12 years ago

She lied. No doubt about it, and she’s starting to build a national reputation for that and complete stupidity.

12 years ago

The sad thing is, Sally truly represents the mindset of many of her constituents.

Oklahoma spelled backwards is Sally Kern.

12 years ago

I love it when a politician says they “misspoke” it’s the nearest thing to them admitting they “lied”. Something they do very well.

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