6 ways the devil will get your kids

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devil gets your kids

The Dirty Old Devil is After Your Child

An old time Baptist preacher, Jack Hyles, hammers his flock with visions of the devil and the many ways he preys on the kids.  The history behind this speech is fascinating as you will soon discover.  A lot of things have changed in the forty years since this speech was delivered.

Here is the edited for space “devil is going to get your kids” sermon:

I would not preach like I am going to preach tonight if I did not love you. I know a lot of folks tonight will not agree with me, but you never heard a more honest sermon. Now I know our church has dozens of public school teachers. If we asked for a show of hands tonight, I am sure that we would have 35 to 40 people in this room tonight who teach in the public school. I would not hurt you purposely for the world, but tonight I am going to do one thing–I am going to tear what is going on in our schools apart, let me forewarn you. I am going to try to help you save your kids from the devil himself.

The truth is, parents do not know what is going on. The devil is coming! The devil is here! I am going to be very frank tonight. No punches barred tonight. If I have superintendents of schools and principals and teachers calling me by the thousands tomorrow, it does not matter. I am going to try to save your kids from the evil devil himself if it makes the whole town mad. Tonight I am going to spend myself to save your kids. I am going to risk your devotion, your love, your fellowship, maybe your friendship, but I am going to do it because, with all my heart I want to save your kids.

devil, devil gets your kids

I am going to give you tonight several things the Devil is doing to attack your child:

1. Revolution. The first part of the hippie program is to kill your parents. I mean that quite seriously, because until you are prepared to kill your parents, you are not really prepared to change the country. “Our parents are our first oppressors.” Who said that? Jerry Rubin, one of the notorious Chicago Seven. Where did he say it? On the campus of Kent State University. It was said on the Kent State University campus, “You must be prepared to kill your parents because they are your first oppressors.” This was said only one week before the rioting which resulted in the deaths of four students.

Our socialist-minded professors and teachers, with their leftist-slanted textbooks, have dedicated themselves to changing the American way of life through the indoctrinating of the minds of students. There came, in 1932, a booklet by George Counts, entitled, Dare the School Build a New Social Order. In 1933 Dr. Harold Rugg wrote a book entitled, The Great Technology, in which he declared that through the schools of the world, we shall dissimulate a concept of government. Now that is far back as 1932. The Socialist, the communist and the Leftist dedicated themselves to bringing about a new social order in America. What tool would they use? The schools! They said they would use the schools. This is the devil at work!

What else is that devil launching at your child?

2. Books. Here are some samples of profanity. Now I am sorry, I am not going to use these words, but I am going to spell some bad words. I may as well just come out and tell you what your kids are reading. You have not checked on it, you have no idea, so I am going to have to tell you. I have got to invite you. I am going to open a few of the books. New Worlds Ahead is used for the seventh grade. The seventh grade uses this: “The Stray Kitten”, by Richard Wright, Page 54. “Kill that d-a-m-n thing.” That is seventh grade. Page 55: “I had my first triumph over my father. I had made him believe that I had taken his words literally; he could not punish me without risking his authority. I was happy because I had at last found a way to throw my criticism of him into his face.” That is a quote from a seventh-grade book.

A ninth grade book “The Sissy from Anaconda”, Page 352: The d-a-m-n-e-d-e-s-t rattle snake.” “Hell.” That is ninth-grade reading. Not only is that not good English, that is not even cultural. That is not even refined. That is not even scholarly–that is heathen-like and it is from the devil.

Here is more Devil ammunition aimed at your child:

3. Narcotics. I was on an airplane the other day and there was a little newspaper beside me, and I picked it up. The astounding news in the “Midnight” May 24, 1971, issue is a result of a study by Illinois attorney, Lionel Baker, which he carried out for the juvenile court system in Illinois. Questionnaires were given to 7,000 youthful drug offenders during the past year, and the young people were asked who first introduced them to drugs. Four out of ten said a school teacher! Think of it—kids on dope, offenders, and 40% said, “A school teacher first introduced me to dope.” God pity that kind of heathen teaching.

Folks, it is time you took your head out of the sand. It is time you stopped and realized that the Devil is trying to get your child, and you are his best advocate. I am not trying to build a school. Good night, I have enough to build, but I am trying to help your kids. That is not all. Narcotics, yes. Revolution, yes. Dirty books, yes, but there is something else the devil is shooting at your child.

4. Sex. Coming into our schools are books, slides and filmstrips are not how babies are made. Now this is for our little children, little children in school. “How Babies Are Made” shows chickens and dogs in the act. It shows Mom and Dad in bed. It is climaxed with a few pictures of a nude mother giving birth to a baby who was conceived several pages earlier. That is being taught in our schools to little children. A coloring book of animals “in the act” is also available for the kiddies, as is a teacher’s guide which explains how babies are made. It “hopes to create an atmosphere of honesty and freedom of discussion concerning matters of reproduction, and to promote understanding and correct usage of the names of body parts.” This is for little children.

The teacher’s guide lists the following questions which are typical of those asked during a presentation of the story, “How Babies Are Made.” “When people lie down and face each other, does the woman become pregnant?” I cannot even read the rest of it, and I can’t believe they print this for little children. Again this is the devil’s work.

Sexology Magazine, which by the way, twenty, fifteen, ten years ago was a dirty, lewd magazine, sold between the covers of Life, Time and Newsweek, now has been elevated into a so-called “respectable” magazine that is sold on top of the counter. The crowd that sells Sexology Magazine, the editor of Sexology Magazine, is on the Cooperating Board of SIECUS. Mary Calderone is the head of the SIECUS group that is spreading sex education in our schools, and is a cooperating member of the Board of Sexology Magazine. I have a copy in my office–I sent somebody down to buy a copy; I would not go myself.

There are all kinds of dirty articles such as “Can a Woman and a Beast Enjoy Each Other?” Now listen to this: Sexology Magazine fills an urgent need in its awareness of people and because of this qualification, it is being slightly revised with a different cover and title for use in the high schools. SIECUS, and is this sex education crowd, helps promote and organize seminars and special training courses for teachers in sex education.  A special course for the devil to teach.

What else is the devil shooting at your child?

5. Profane living. Do not get restless, we are here for awhile yet. You wait until I get on the sensitivity training. That is the worst–I am saving the worst for last.

Profane living. “Have you ever heard one of your school teachers use vulgar language in class?” Eighty-seven percent said, “Yes.” “Have you ever heard a school teacher take the name of the Lord God in vain in class?” Ninety-three percent said, “Yes.”

Now hang on to your seats. “Do any of your school friends drink?” Eighty-five percent said, “Yes.” “Have you ever taken a drink?” Of the 230 high school students that filled out this form this morning in our high school departments, 69 of them said “Yes.” That is nearly a third of them! First Baptist kids–they are seated over here tonight. Yeah, yours, the ones you trust. The ones you say, “It could not happen to my child. If he is going to have to go out in the world, let him go now.” Yeah, yours. Can you think of that? Sixty-nine teenagers, not even in junior high, high schoolers only, 69 out of 230, our own kids! They have already taken a drink of beer or whiskey. I wonder what it is like down at the liberal church. One hundred percent? I wonder why they did it? Because of the wrong crowd! Eighty-five percent were in a crowd that did, 33% went ahead and took it themselves.

What else is Satan doing to get your child?

6. Sensitivity training. Now listen carefully! John Guernsey, education writer for the Portland Oregonian, recently witnessed a group of school administrators having their first experience playing sensitivity games. Now I want you to listen to this–this is the ultimate in beastly living. This sensitivity training junk, by the say, it is not foreign to this area, either. John Guernsey said, “About 50 of the top Portland school district wheels, both men and women, recently took part in a sensitivity session, conducted by a University of Portland psychologist. Not wishing to go all out, they removed only their shoes. In another exercise, the school administrators formed a circle, and then took turns standing in the center letting themselves fall backward. Someone was not paying close enough attention, and one participant landed on the floor. The school officials’ sensitivity session also called for everyone to close his eyes, wander about in bare feet with arms outstretched and try to identify when their hands touched someone.” Faculty.

You do not realize this, but nudity is coming to your child’s schoolroom. There is a high school in Gary that has already had a play with a nude man acting. A nude man!  Now if this isn’t the devil himself I don’t know what is.

For example, marathons are held in which no words are spoken, only nonsense noises. In addition, gestures are permitted, as well as looks, stances, caresses, and slapping each other. Finally, they collapse on the floor in a giant tangle of sublimely relaxed bodies. Sometimes people emerge from these sensitivity encounters virtually shouting, “I am changed! I am changed!”  This is the devil’s work I tell you!

LISTEN TO ME! If every deacon in this church walks out on me, and if every member of this church gets mad and quits, or this church rises up tonight and says “Don’t you preach what you are preaching or we will fire you,” you can have your church and I will be on my way. I am going to fight this dastardly attempt by the Devil and his crowd to wreck our children and destroy our boys and girls. Brother, don’t you think this is a one-time-only sermon; you will be getting it right along.

If the devil is trying to get your child please let us know in the comments section.


About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at Smerconish.com, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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12 years ago

As always, the religious reich has never worried about the law, truth, common sense, or human decency when spreading their intolerance and hate disguised as religion.

Most of the problems of the world are, and always have been, caused by religion. For example, Northern Ireland, the Middle East, 9/11, and family planning clinic bombing in the USA. Then there were the crusades, the inquisition, witch burnings, and the dark ages. Get the idea?

Humanity will never truly be free until the black yoke of religion is lifted by the clear light of truth and rational thinking.

12 years ago

I wonder what he would have said about youporn:D

12 years ago

I remember this guy too. He was fun to listen to because he really sounded like he believed his own crazy talk. Fun post .. brought back lots of memories.

12 years ago

Im old enough to remember this guy. He had a radio show for years and he would preach all of this crap forever. My mom had this crazy shit on all the time. Fun reminder of those days anyway.

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