When Boy Meets Girl

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Pic: http://thiswouldbemoreawesomewithlasers.wordpress.com/

This is a classic story of “boy meets girl.”

Boy meets girl and thinks she’s hot as hell.  Hot girl becomes girlfriend, and boy asks her to move in and there they are, consumed with newness, lovingness, “you are so amazing”-ness…  But wait, what the hell?  Hot girl doesn’t always wear makeup, straighten her hair, and wear seductive pajamas? Here, my sweet readers, is our dilemma.

So what do you do when you move in with the love of your life? My simple answer is you (gasp!) become comfortable. COMFORTABLE. Meaning, hey, this is, my hair, face, and clothing….. isn’t it cute?

Sadly, the man may think not. Some want to keep the hot chick they met, just there in their very own home. Sorry brother, rarely does that happen. You may occasionally find a chic that races to the bathroom each morning to reapply her ‘real’ beauty, but most often, beer goggles will fade and the girl that you’ve asked to move in will turn out to be “real.”  Why make these sweet girls think they must always maintain a Scarlet appearance?

Let’s be real–what did you expect to happen?   This is important to know.  Did you want/need her to dress and apply makeup like every day is the day she’s being voted Prom Queen?  Are you that devastated to learn that hot girl, when all is said and done, is simply a girl?

Communication is important. What do you expect from your partner on a day-to-day basis? Some/little/no make up, depending on whether she leaves the house?  The fact is, when hot girl starts hanging in sweats, it’s probably a sign of how comfortable she is with you—is that an issue?

We could turn this around and survey our females to see what a “comfortable” male looks like… no worries… I did this for us… I found that women want a man who bathes at least occasionally.  I know, it’s asking a lot.


Girls quit ‘superstarring’ themselves when they find the right guy, as they become comfortable being themselves…

NOTE to guys: If you don’t like this, simply SAY, “I’d like to see you dressed up for tonight.”

Guys, on the other hand, do NOT Superstar themselves… perhaps they are comfortable enough in their own hotness that they don’t feel the need to impress us?

Girls, hang tight, and be who you are.  In the end, it all works out and if you do decide it’s worthwhile to engage in daily beauty gymnastics to satisfy the man of your dreams, make sure he repays you every so often by bathing, and maybe even applying a little aftershave.  Radical, I know.

Pic courtesy of This would be more awesome with lasers

About Post Author

Tamra White

Tamra has a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor for Texas. She has a private practice, which offers traditional and online counseling. You can learn more about Tamra at TWhitecounseling.com
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Erin N.
12 years ago

Brilliant! Makes me so glad to be old, happy and married. My husband thinks I’m perfect, even with bed head, no make up and fuzzy slippers. 😀

Reply to  Erin N.
12 years ago

As a kid I wondered if women got up in the middle of the night to look ‘pretty’ in the morning… As an adult, I’m thankful that I don’t care that much! lol

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