Where Is My America?

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A little over a week ago I was watching as Piers Morgan interviewed Montel Williams, who by the way says that he is a Republican as well as as veteran of the Marine Corps and the U. S. Navy. When Piers asked him what he thought about the current path of the Republican Party he gave one of the most passionate and declarative responses I heard from anyone in a long time; Democratic or Republican.

In large part he voiced many of my sentiments in his brief tirade. A couple of his statements stuck with me and I have thought about them a lot since that interview. This is paraphrasing his statements intermingled with my own feelings about the direction that this country seems to be heading.

When I joined the Marines in 1961 and entered basic training I never asked myself who I was going to be training to protect during my service with the Corps. There was never an issue of whether I was doing it to protect Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Republicans, or Democrats. I swore an oath to protect this country and all that it stood for at the time. Stupid and hokey as it may sound I was really prepared to lay down my life to stand in the way of anyone who dared to threaten what we had and felt honored to do it. Okay, so I was a bit brainwashed by the Drill Instructors at Parris Island, but I meant it nonetheless. Not to mentioned that I was told that I wasn’t there to die for my country, I was there to make other people die for theirs.

It was a time of great hope for the country when President Kennedy swore that we would become the world leaders in the race into space. I believed him because he was my president and because I believed in the greatness of this country. People were struggling with racial issues (especially those of us from the South) but we were learning to live with each other and learning tolerances. It was a time when the two political parties had their differences but they were statesmen who also believed in doing what they felt was right for the country.

While they may have despised each other in private the politicians of that day publicly were civil. But, as Montel said during his interview, somewhere along the way our leaders lost their character and class. They have lost respect for the country, its institutions, and those who have been elected as its leaders. When the leaders of today ask what is wrong with the youth of today and why they have no respect for authority they have no further to look than the nearest mirror. There they will find, as I like to quote my favorite comic strip Pogo: “(You) have found the enemy and it is (you)”.

When you show no respect for the institutions and offices of our government, do not expect our youth to respect them, or you, either. They are only emulating you. When you publicly call the President of the United States disparaging names expect your children to do the same, and if they don’t have to respect the President what should they respect their teachers, or police, or even their parents. They are modeling the behavior they observe.

Another point I think valid is what I call the “false pride politicians” and a lot of the verbal support members of the public tend to throw around for the members of our military and our veterans. People say, “Thank you for your service,” without a clue as to what that service entails. Politicians in general are quick to talk tough about dealing with foreign adversaries because they think it is a board game played with toy soldiers.

The vast majority of those holding political office, and in the general public for that matter, do not have a clue as to what they are asking of those in uniform. They do not understand what happens to the young people emotionally or psychologically when they are trained with a singular of purpose, kill other human beings at the request of their commanders without question. They do not understand the sacrifice the young men and women have made in service to their country because they have never made that kind of sacrifice for others. They have never been under the threat of combat much less actually been in actual combat where either you or someone like you on the other side is likely to die or be seriously injured for life.

They are living a life of entitlement while less than 1% of the population goes off to suffer and endure the requirements to protect an idea. An idea that isn’t even working right now. An idea that isn’t even worth fighting for right now because of the bitterness that people are feeling and espousing right now. An idea that the vast majority of Americans take for granted because they have done nothing to earn the rights of that idea but be born in a certain place on the earth. They feel entitled to their freedom of speech, religion, assembly, etc. but have never lifted one damned finger to help protect those same rights of other Americans. The exception to this, of course are our nation’s first responders who, like the military, put their very lives on the line to protect the lives and rights of others.

Watching the recent Republican primaries and anticipating the upcoming Presidential campaign I am truly disheartened about where the discussion will lead us. Were I to have the opportunity to speak to these candidates my rant would be more like one of Gingrich’s. How dare you stand on a stage and argue about whether a woman has a right to health care including birth control while Americans are dying in a foreign land for this country; how dare you stand on at a podium and preach your version of religion or faith when men and women have died in wars for over two hundred years fighting so Americans can have the right to believe and worship, or not worship, as they choose; how dare people in this country make racial remarks about our President when there are Black men and women suffering from war wounds received trying to protect your freedom of speech; how dare you not show proper respect for this country and its ideals with your cheap rhetoric while there are children in the country who go hungry.

Today, this is not the America that I swore to serve and give my life for or take the life of someone else. This is an America that has turned its back on the very ideals on which it was founded. Wishing to escape the tyranny of King George stomping all over the colonists the Revolutionary Troops fought and died for freedom and today we are turning America into a country where the Republican version of state and federal governments will be stomping all over a portion of its citizens and forcing them to conform to a particular religious ideology.

Instead of freedom from the tyranny of England we are now being subjected to a different type of tyranny called a theocracy. Is this version of Christianity any better than that of the Church of England. Will you soon be re-instituting the witch trials at Salem, or using the “Pressing Rock” to force confessions from people about their sins, or maybe, it is time for revisiting the Inquisition. Show me one place where these so called Godly, Jesus driven people spewing their venom and vitriol have shown one iota of love for their fellow human beings, and I will sing “Baby, I’m Amazed” for you.

In conclusion, I don’t think I captured the passion of Montel’s interview but I hope I addressed the essence of it. I am fast losing respect for a lot of the people of this country. Too many people, including the Republicans, feel entitled to demand things of this country but have never earned that right. Simply being born doesn’t give one the right to demand anything, it should be earned. I reiterate my call for every American upon reaching the age of 18 to enter mandatory service to the country of some type. It can be military, peace corps, Americorps, or whatever, but there should be no exceptions regardless of who you or your parents are or how much money they have. Where they serve should be decided by lot numbers. Then they can actually earn their right to make demands for they will know more about life.

Finally, to you Mitt Romney, and you Rick Santorum, both who have never put yourselves in the line of fire but made sure that you stayed home and earned a lot of money while others died, how about sending your children into the Army, Marines, Navy, or the Air Force. Put them on the firing line and then talk about sending them 4 and 5 tours of duty to some God forsaken Middle Eastern country like Iran. Not such a good idea, huh.

To those who have lost fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, aunts, or uncles or other relatives in the cause of protecting this country and the lazy butt holes who take it for granted, Semper Fidelis. My heart is with you for you have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

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About Post Author

Bill Formby

Bill Formby, aka William A. Formby, PhD, aka Lazersedge is a former Marine and a former police officer. He is a retired University Educator who considers himself a moderate pragmatic progressive liberal, meaning that he thinks practically liberal, acts practically liberal, and he is not going to change in the near future. But, if he does he will be sure to let you know.
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Bill Formby
12 years ago

The requirement that the Ameri-Corps and Peace-Corps can easily be changed. I used those as an example simply because they exist but there is ample need for similar organizations to work and give back to the country that young people can be trained to do. Another issue would be those who drop out of school, their requirement would begin at age 18 also where part of there requirement would be to get their GED. People with disabilities would be included to the degree they could participate with allowances for those would simply could not participate. Those who’s religious beliefs are against committing violence should understand that, in addition to the non military options, there are many positions in the military that are not combat positions. The current ratio of non combat to combat positions is roughly 5 to 1.
The primary point I was trying to make is that if everyone had to give up two years of their life to give back to this country in a way that benefited everyone they may have a better understanding of what the country, as a whole, is all about. Their ability to isolate themselves from other regions, races, ethnic groups, and life styles would be minimized and would help them understand the “we” concept of America. I think that if everyone has to participate then the issue of rights resolves itself.
Thanks for the question Jason.

12 years ago

While I do agree with many of the things you say, there are questions I have. Ameri-corp and peace-corp both require you be in college or have a degree before you can join. How would you go about changing that policy so more people could take part? The other thing is what do you do with people who have disabilities, health issues or mental problems that would prevent them from serving? Also, you mention it being a random draft lottery system, but what if someone’s religious/moral beliefs forbid them to commit an act of violence? I don’t ask to be mean, just trying to figure out how you’d make this system happen while still respecting each others rights.

Bill Formby
12 years ago

Rick, I am afraid you are right but it seems that occasionally I get the notion that I do not want to go quietly into the night as the country implodes. Hopefully, your blood will simmer down as the day goes forward.

12 years ago

It seems as if the state of the world, especially America, can be compared to a snowball rolling down a huge mountain, picking up snow and speed and getting larger and larger. How do you stop it without putting a gigantic obstacle or brick wall in front of it. Then, when they collide destruction of both ensues! We can never hope to return to the so called “good old days”, because the good old days were full of naivete compared to what we now know. I have no answer to the world’s problems anymore than anyone else has, but it sure isn’t more religiosity. But, I’m sure the religious right are waiting for some Armageddon or Rapture to happen so the world can start over again, and again, so we continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. Mankind will continue to add to the hatred and violence that keeps pushing us further apart from each other. I am an atheist, but if the god of the universe wants to save us and not have to kill us all off again, he/she/it better start doing something to prove he/she/it exists, otherwise I think we’re doomed. Perhaps ignorance is bliss! Thank you for the article, it got my blood boiling this morning to go well with my coffee.

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