What Kind Of Woman Wants to be George Zimmerman’s Girlfriend?

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Perhaps I’m missing something here. The ladies say they want a man who’s sensitive and caring. Kind and gentle. Leaves the room to perform certain offensive bodily functions. Now I don’t know if George Zimmerman goes outside to fart but for Christ’s sakes women! The guy killed a guy. Threw stuff at his ex-wife and girlfriends.   Now I ain’t no Errol Flynn but George Zimmerman?

George ZImmerman in court after being arrested for aggravated assault.  Pic courtesy of CBS news.
George ZImmerman in court after being arrested for aggravated assault. Pic courtesy of CBS news.

Are you broads (I can say “broads.” I’m a republican and own several Sinatra CD’s) so enamored with a guy’s celebrity status that no matter the reason for celebrity you will go out with him? Even O.J. Simpson has a girlfriend. Ted Nugent whose most famous song was about venereal disease, fathered multiple children in and out of wedlock. He’s more famous now for protecting gun rights from jack booted Obama thugs. But still ladies. You give up the wang dang sweet poontang to these guys? At least Ted’s a republican and we party supporters forgive immoral behavior.  It’s also our policy to blame the broads for acting slutty. We also blame the birth control industry for much of the sluttiness. To Ted Nugent’s credit he avoided the sin of the pill and fathered many a child but still, it’s the woman’s fault.

Now I can see a woman of culture and taste throwing herself at a fine Christian gentleman such as myself or Rick Santorum. Were we single our dates would start with Sunday services, lunch at a wholesome restaurant and an afternoon of sitting on the porch swing talking about Jesus. Why any woman wouldn’t feel her loins tingle at the thought of a date with a respectable gentleman, is a mystery to me and should be to everyone else.

Yet women continue to degrade themselves with their devotion to scumbags who mistreat them. The worst example may be the diva Madonna. The tramp spent time having sex with Dennis Rodman. She called him “Daddy Longlegs.” I guess it’s because he’s tall. A sad state of affairs for the morals of our nation when a lady named “Madonna” a sacred name, feels the need to slake her evil lust with a evil hedonist like Dennis Rodman. Blasphemy at its worst.

The women’s movement constantly harps about choice. The choice is clear. Broads can choose God fearing, righteous men who would cherish and protect them, and they wouldn’t have to dirty themselves with jobs other than the most important ones of all, wife and mother, or they can continue down the sinful path of chasing ill behaved men who only offer a celebrity status. Make the right choice ladies. Choose what God has planned for you since the beginning of time around 6,500 years ago when He created you from Adams rib.

About Post Author

Joe Hagstrom

Reformed Liberal now dedicated to saving world from Obamacare and Godless Atheists. Using MadMike's America to audition for high paying job with Fox News.
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9 years ago

The silent but deadly one’s are the best. Only you know it’s you so you can look at someone else and say “Urrrgh! Your gut is rotten!!” – hysterical as they try to claim innocence 😉

Joe Hagstrom
9 years ago

Spencer Tracy did a good job keeping Katherine Hepburn in line. He threw her just enough freedom to let her think she had some control.
You’re a good sport for appreciating bodily functions we guys take pride in Jess.

Reply to  Joe Hagstrom
9 years ago

I pride myself on not being like anyone else other than who I am Joe. I taught my young cousins the art of armpit farting much to my aunt and uncle’s dismay. I have since taught my young nephews and niece how to burp the alphabet. That was a thing my dad and I did to see who could out gross the other with the burp sounds, much to my own mother’s dismay. “How will you ever become a lady if you do these things Jessica” There is just nothing not funny about fart noises, I don’t care what anyone says.

9 years ago

Hell I don’t leave the room when I make those “offensive” body functions and I sure as hell don’t expect that from my other half, never have. We all make them and should make them when we feel they need to be made, instead of pretending to be these delicate human creatures that need to clutch pearls if somebody farts or burps in front of us, male or female. If you can get out a room beforehand more power to you but don’t hide away from embarrassment about it.

Where I draw the line is if he hit me, pulled a gun on me or threw a wine bottle at me. I would have issues with that. As stupid as these women might be knowing his history and still going out with him, they don’t deserve any of that shit at all. The only Adam’s Rib I believe in is the one starring Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, it’s a good film. It’s about women being in their place in the attorney offices and doing it for themselves, so maybe not a good movie for you Joe. As for me, I chose the guy that was nice to his mom, wait staff, animals and passed my gay best friend’s stupid audition when he wanted to date and then marry me, just happens to be Christian but I don’t hold that against him because he can be ill behaved and sinful when he needs to be.


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