How Donald Trump Gave Megyn Kelly Exactly What She Wanted

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Just like my good friend Don, the title will be misconstrued by the media and Godless liberals who will claim it’s naughty. The truth is there is nothing naughty about it. You all just have dirty minds from visiting MMA, Daily Kos, Huffington Post and other pinko commie nudist colony websites run by people with dirty minds.


The truth is Don was giving Ms. Kelly what all right leaning, God fearing patriots want: a good dose of media bashing. What made it ironically hilarious is that the left and right together (other than myself who had the good sense to know what Don was meaning and not what he was saying) joined forces to pillory a good man.

Fortunately my articles here helped Mr. Trump weather this storm of media attacks from left and right and now he is stronger than ever. The only two republicans enjoying any good news right now are Fiorina who was paid millions to go away by Hewlett/Packard, and Marco Rubio who before it’s over will just be told to go away because he will be called a wimp and as the first George Bush found out, there is no running away from that even if it isn’t true.

The recent events and Don’s skillful handling of them will make Don even more powerful than you can possibly imagine. His secret is to stick with his story and yell over people. As Howard Stern once said “the secret to being a success is to be a pompous know it all.” Donald is that. Sadly I am of humble stock so I will never be a billionaire.

The angry tea partiers, the angry suburban white folks, angry Latinos and Blacks will soon gather en masse to support Donald. This goes back to something FDR said decades ago. While all the other republicans will promise to fix healthcare, education, spend more on defense, cut crime, build infrastructure and a plethora of other stuff while cutting your taxes, Donald will say it louder and because he’s a billionaire it has even more gravitas. So while FDR said republicans will promise to do all these things and mocking said “it won’t cost you a dime” an electorate so eager to believe this nonsense will flock to the man they think can deliver it: Donald Trump.

Wealth has always been the sign of success in our Country. Donald Trump has it. The fact is we as a Nation hate the poor and hate anyone who gets a raise unless its us. Look at the business in Seattle. The well meaning owner raised salaries to 70 grand a year. Employees that were making that or more got mad as hell and quit. But God forbid we raise taxes on billionaires. We don’t want my good friends the Koch Brothers to suffer. Better we pay more and higher tolls on our highways so the poor and middle class be a part of the broadened tax base. That’s freedom my friends!

That we republicans and our propaganda arms have directed class warfare away from the wealthiest to a war between the middle and lower economic classes is a testament to our patriotism. And there is no better way to continue the fight for freedom and The Constitution than by voting for a successful American who nobody harbors jealousy toward; my good friend Donald Trump.

About Post Author

Joe Hagstrom

Reformed Liberal now dedicated to saving world from Obamacare and Godless Atheists. Using MadMike's America to audition for high paying job with Fox News.
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Joe Hagstrom
8 years ago

You’ve seen what happens to those who don’t support my friend Donald Trump, haven’t you Rachel? Beware!
I really wonder who the brainless ones really are Rowdy. The people spewing the horseshit or the people that buy their books and watch their shows cause it gives them a famous person to validate the horseshit they believe.

I can live with myself for exploiting the kooks for money. One day MadMike will start sending me some checks.

Reply to  Joe Hagstrom
8 years ago

Check’s in the mail Joe 🙂

Joe Hagstrom
Reply to  Professor Mike
8 years ago

You keep telling me that.

8 years ago

Megyn and THE DONALD are cut from the same cloth. Both brainless entertainers.

8 years ago

This man is an embarrassment Joe, but you’re making a decent case after all. Keep supporting your man.

Joe Hagstrom
8 years ago

I’d make a mean spirited attacking defense of my good friend Donald here but Shaw lives close to my liberal Aunt Molly and she might report me. The same Aunt Molly who hit my cousin Mike and I with a rolling pin once for saying Nixon wasn’t that bad a guy.

P.L. Everts
Reply to  Joe Hagstrom
8 years ago

Aunt Molly has her shit together.

Norman Rampart
8 years ago

I think Donald is a nice name…makes me think of the duck…President Donald…yes…that would work. Sorry? What’s happening again? We get a bit sidetracked here in Blighty you know…..

8 years ago

The Donald is a true gift. A gift that would continue to give even if (shudder) he were forced to withdraw from Megyn’s fold.

8 years ago

Joe, I’m so glad you understand the extraordinary candidacy of Donald “She Had Blood Comin’ from Wherever” Trump! I hate to admit this, but we poor libruls are envious of the Tea-Pee-ers and this revolutionary candidate who could shoot, kill, roast, and eat an American bald eagle for lunch and impress 7 more TeaPublicans! Truly we can agree this corrosive, I mean courageous, Yell-It-Like-It-Is baudruche has surprised and shaken the pundits and pols to the very shallow depths of their refried beans, or something like that.

We are all in awe of his ability to say so much about nothing and thrill his critical thinking fans. That truly is a kind of talent on loan from synthetic heroine –just ask the TGOP’s favorite Rabies Radio personality, The Hindenberg of Gas Bags!

What more can we say, except The Donald’s candidacy has become Shakespearean in its importance and drama. So in light of that, I quote the Bard of Avon on Mr. Trump: “Never hung poison on a fouler toad.”

P.L. Everts
8 years ago

Not. Donald Trump is an egotistical asshat with not a shred of leadership ability. Without his daddy’s $$, he would be nothing.

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