America: Land Of The Invaders

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I’ve been thinking – and yes, I know, me thinking is often a very dangerous thing but I can’t help it. Honestly I can’t. I do try not to think too much you know, I really do, but when I start thinking it sort of just carries on. It’s like my brain is independent of me and pays no attention when I ask it to stop thinking. I think, therefore, I may possibly be. I suppose I should have said ‘therefore I am’ but when I think I sometimes wonder whether it is me thinking or my brain doing it’s own thing.


Anyway. I have thought of something and it is perplexing me. What I have thought of concerns the good old US of A. I’m pretty certain I’ve touched on something like this previously but haven’t ever got around – or, as you are American – gotten around to pursuing it.

I am, from time to time, taken to task regarding my views on immigration to Britain. I am sometimes taken to task by British commenters but it is American commenters I’m talking to here.

British commenters – is that a word by the way? Commenters? No idea but you understand what I’m saying don’t you? – are quite entitled to their view that I am xenophobic and/or racist etc. I disagree but I respect their view of me and their right to say such things as I believe in freedom of speech and accept I might not always like what I hear.

When American commenters start suggesting such things, however, it irks me a bit. I am irked at such comments from Americans.

The reason I am irked is because you aren’t really Americans, you just think and believe you are. You aren’t.

What you are is an invader. Well, to be fair, perhaps I should be saying what your ancestors were could be described as invaders.

You are all ancestrally related to ‘invaders’. The only way you are, in truth, American, is if you are directly descended from a Navajo or an Apache or a Sioux or some American Indian tribe or other. If you are not descended from such a tribe you are not an American you are a descendent of an invader who stole the country from its native inhabitants.

You are, basically, descended from thieves who stole an entire country.

Now. I am British. Well, actually, I am English first and then British. I am not descended from a race of land grabbing thieves who stole the country from the indigenous inhabitants – unlike you.

Of course you could point out that the Vikings and Romans stuck rather more than their oars into Britain resulting in many Brits probably having ancestry in that direction. The French, Dutch and Germans infiltrated somewhere along the way too.

The thing is, none of the above actually ‘took over’ the country. Ultimately the Brits remained Brits – albeit with occasional bits of Viking or some such in the mix.

We, the Brits – with or without bits of Roman or Dutch – are and have always been essentially, the Brits.

You, on the other hand America, stole your country from the indigenous peoples so, whether you like it or not, you are, in fact, the product of an invasion that engaged in mass genocide of the indigenous people.

As a result of your shameful history I would ask you to stop suggesting I am xenophobic and/or racist when I say that I am strongly against mass immigration into Britain and that immigrants who do come here must adapt to Britain and adopt the British way in order to be made welcome.

Their culture / faith / lifestyle is not only secondary to ours it must never be intrusive on us. The British do not want or need multi-culturalism. We do not need diversity.

Mosques should not be allowed. Religious celebrations that interfere with the lives of indigenous Brits shouldn’t be allowed. For example, roads are often closed for Diwali, Eed and Ramadan which, frankly, is ridiculous.

If you want roads closed to celebrate Ramadan, Eed or Diwali then bugger off and live somewhere where either celebration is appropriate. In Britain it is not appropriate and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Of course some will suggest my opinion on Ramadan, Eed and Diwali is racist and / or xenophobic.

Perhaps it is but, if so, I don’t care. I’m damned if I will stay silent and watch my country be changed to suit those who do not belong here and wish to change my country to suit them.

The Sioux and Apache and Navajo must have thought much the same and look what happened to them when they tried to make ‘peace with the pale faces’.

I don’t want to make peace with immigrants. I want them to either adapt to my country and adopt our values or just fuck off from whence they came.

There is no middle ground.

Adapt / adopt or leave.

I’m buggered if I’m going to have some bloody foreigner taking over and sending me to a reservation. I know what happens to indigenous people who lose the fight for their country and end up on a reservation. Just take a look at America.

Mind you America, at least you aren’t alone in being descended from land grabbing murdering thieves are you. There’s always Australia to compare you to eh?

I do love you Yanks though. Most of the time 😉

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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8 years ago

Oh come on, how do you know that not one of the Saxons, Friesians, Danes, Normans, jutes, angles didn’t leave some genes in your mailbox? There are no indigenous people, just a succession of invaders or immigrants. Did you invade Europe when some ancestors took over from the Neanderthalers? Silly stuff at best. My dog has purer blood lines and we call him a mutt.

“It’s the lack of respect of so many of our immigrants for another’s country if you go and live in it that winds me up.”

So many? What proportion is required to make it “so many? Is there a statistical definition of so many? 1% would mean so many if one were not quite rigorous about mathematics. But I assume you’re joking, right? You realize that when tell us you don’t respect them and complain when that rightly makes them disrespect you you seem a bit – well you know, comical.

You went as far as expelling the Jews in 1241, as I remember, so I guess this is another example of a mongrel nation defending it’s “purity.” and whilst you’re at it, throw the Indians out too so your cuisine can regress to peas porridge and Spotted Dick. (Penicillin works for that, you know.)

And while we’re about “invaders” how did you like the Germans, and sure, you’re welcome even though I suspect “so many” Brits sympathize with that “ethnic purity” horseshit.

But you’re having a laugh here, right?

Norman Rampart
Reply to  Glenn Geist
8 years ago

I’m glad someone can see my tongue so far in my cheek!! Cheers old bean!!

Actually my daughter is a quarter Scottish, a wee bit of Irish and half Lancastrian. Her beloved is half Italian and a quarter German. Also, her beloved’s step father is half Chinese.

If I was as bad as I paint myself I reckon my head would just explode eh? 😉

Norman Rampart
8 years ago

Hi Jess,

I saw a picture of Sikh’s cheering on England in the cricket wearing St George flag turbans.

They are still Sikh’s and rightly proud of their heritage and faith but, clearly, they are also proud to be English.

That’s just one example of immigrants or their descendants adapting / adopting to this country.

I would have been equally happy if they had been cheering on India to be honest – I would cheer England if I lived in Spain. Most Sikh’s have a deep respect for British values and are just as British as I am.

It’s the lack of respect of so many of our immigrants for another’s country if you go and live in it that winds me up.

Love n hugs,

Xeno 🙂 x

8 years ago

You are a xenophobe Norman, own it. What if an indigenous Brit has issues with the Xmas celebrations closing down stores and stuff, should that be allowed or is it just the religion of “the others” that are bad?

8 years ago

Yes Norman. We are invaders, then again does Britain have room to talk? The “British Empire” after all.

Norman Rampart
Reply to  Rachael
8 years ago

I wasn’t aware we still had one 😉

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