Republicans Understand Trump Must Lose To Save Our Party

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160128_StainedGlassRightPolitics.jpg.CROP.promovar-mediumlargeLiberals and America haters everywhere are giddy with excitement over the real prospect of a Trump loss this November. They jump with joy at the thought we republicans losing the Senate and perhaps even the House. What these deluded atheists and abortionists fail to realize is a major republican defeat is exactly what we republicans are counting on to save our party in the long run.

That the republican party can survive just about anything is without question. We gave America George W. Bush and as bad as he was, America elected him twice. Millions of our minions voted for this idiot because they thought they’d rather have a beer with him even though he stopped drinking years earlier. They voted for him cause they believed he kept us safe even though over 3,000 people were killed in the 911 attack on his watch.

America’s middle class has shrunk thanks to government being made the servant of the wealthiest but the middle class voted republican anyway because they were convinced Democrats would take their guns and freedom despite the Patriot Act eroding freedoms. By all accounts the only people that should be voting republican are those making at least 200 thousand a year or more. But we republicans got scared. And the guy that scared us is the Muslim President Obama who was hell bent on destroying America, Or so we told everyone.

Unfortunately we republicans are faced with an inconvenient truth. President Obama only has five months to go as President to destroy America. His poll numbers, which don’t matter anymore because we republicans and the Trump campaign now ignore polls as they are silly and skewed even though we love them when our guys are leading them, are way up.

Some may say it’s Trump’s message and pandering to bigots and zealots and idiots that has us down. Those people are nuts. We republicans have been pandering to bigots and religious nuts and idiots for generations. Nothing has changed in that regard. The real reason we’re down is even the most deluded and intellectually lazy and closed minded realize that our lies, the lies they took as gospel because an America loving, God fearing republican told them, just aren’t true.

They’re starting to understand that our promises to save Social Security are total bullshit. Everything wonderful we said would happen due to trickle down Reaganomics has turned out untrue. Invasions and occupations we told them would result in a safer America turned out to make us less safe and only cost us more in lives and treasure. Quite frankly we lie like hell but you really can’t blame us since it won us a bunch of elections. But the republicans in charge understand all good things must come to an end. Not our lying though. We just need to come up with a new batch of crap to feed our base and new heroes for them to fawn over.

This strategy hinges upon Trump losing this November. We need Hillary Clinton to win. We knew going in we would win if we had a republican with integrity running against Hillary. That would have been our party’s death though. We need Hillary to blame for all the crap we obstruct and screw up. Also, we haven’t had any republicans with integrity since Gerald Ford. Without Hillary Clinton the republican party is doomed. Without Rush Limbaugh and others keeping the base stirred up with anti-Hillary nonsense they lose interest and go away. Apathetic people don’t vote. Angry people do. Hillary stuff keeps our voters angry. And she did murder thousands of people and email secrets to Putin that he may or may not have shown to Donald Trump some people are saying.

We have a whole batch of lies to release after Hillary beats Trump. One I submitted was that Hillary wants to outlaw shooting of intruders and other home invaders and miscreants. It has something for everyone in our base. Freedom to use one’s gun. Vigilante justice and cost savings since taxpayers won’t be on the hook for incarceration costs. Think of all the prisons we could shut down, laying off all those guards and parole officers we won’t need. Then we could cut unemployment benefits so these moochers would get off their lazy asses and get jobs. Hillary loves moochers and bleeding heart types who feel sorry for the unemployed. We republicans understand tough love is the way to bring back America. Whatever that means, not that it matters.

Ours will be a Christian message of loving thy neighbor but with tough love. And we may lose the Senate and possibly the House this November but we republicans think long term. Hillary and a Democrat Congress can’t do too much damage to us in two years. And just as we showed in 2010, we can lie our way back in power.

The foundation is being laid now so 2018 will be a great year for republicans. And that’s no lie.

About Post Author

Joe Hagstrom

Reformed Liberal now dedicated to saving world from Obamacare and Godless Atheists. Using MadMike's America to audition for high paying job with Fox News.
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