When Will Politicians Wake Up To The Danger Of Mass Immigration?

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You note, I hope, that I intentionally inserted the word ‘mass’ into that header. I did so for a very good reason. In Britain, politicians in favour of immigration seem incapable of discerning the difference between ‘controlled’ and ‘mass’ and there is a hell of a difference. According to what I hear and read in the news America may have some ‘issues’ regarding immigration too but, for now, I am focusing on where I know. Britain. I suspect there will be any number of similarities to the USA though.

Whenever a politician, particularly a liberal or socialist one, is asked about immigration they invariably ramble on about the benefits immigration brings and, it does indeed, bring many many benefits.

What they seem incapable of acknowledging however is the understandable concerns of the majority of people in Britain – and I include in that majority Asian British, black British etc – that there are too many people in Britain now and, as a result, everyone’s quality of life suffers whether it’s a lack of resources in education or health or housing.

Immigration is a numbers game and that is all it is.

Questioning the sense in allowing unsustainable numbers into your country is not racist nor xenophobic, it is reasonable and sensible.

The continued failure of politicians to listen or even attempt to acknowledge the concerns of ordinary people regarding immigration is, ultimately, the reason Brexit happened.

The politicians – well, those on the ‘remain’ side at least, desperately told us it would be disastrous to leave The EU. Only time will tell how true their prognostications were but, ultimately, it mattered not one jot.

Ordinary people knew that their lives had not been remotely enhanced by the huge numbers of immigrants entering Britain whether through The EU or from The Commonwealth or, frankly, from anywhere.

RELATED: The Sad But Certain Folly of Mass Immigration

Yes, a significant number had actually enhanced British society with doctors, nurses and so forth. Yes, even unskilled immigrants had enhanced Britain by taking unskilled jobs that otherwise couldn’t be filled.

Nobody with even half a brain had any problem whatsoever with immigration itself. They had a very big problem with the numbers.

A report is about to be released regarding the failure of some immigrant communities to integrate into British society. I have a feeling this will be a blue touch paper lighting moment if it gets the publicity it should.

The question being asked is ‘Why is there so much ghettoisation of immigrant communities especially, although not only, amongst Muslim communities?’

Many believe the answer is simple.

Immigrants tend to settle in their own communities. It’s human nature. They feel safer and more comfortable and that is quite understandable. The British certainly have done so in Spain – to their shame.

However, the communities they set up then displace the community that preceded them and those from the original community suddenly feel ‘outsiders’ in their own town. This breeds racism and distrust.

RELATED: Immigration and the UK: Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

So, how to solve the crisis.

Firstly, the right to emigrate into Britain from any EU country should be immediately withdrawn – all we need to do is invoke Article 50 and then immediately close our borders. Indeed, immigration from any nation including the Commonwealth should be severely restricted.

Secondly, learning English has to be compulsory in order to gain resident status.

Thirdly, faith schools should be banned. They are devisive and create segregation.

Fourthly, immigrants from wherever in the world should be told in no uncertain terms that it is their responsibility alone to integrate into British society. Integration is only a two way street when immigrants desire to integrate. Then they are welcome.


Now I’ve set the problems of immigration to rights what’s next?

Who needs the British government when they’ve got me??? 😉

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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Bill Formby
7 years ago

Neil, I like your candor with this subject matter without being mean spirited. I think that you are correct that people who want to immigrate to another country are, in effect, saying I want to be a part of that country and should make an effort to actually do that. I think to a degree a lot of the immigrants do have that intent but it falls be the wayside when the glitter of the gold falls off the opportunities. The Western cultures have made it seem like heaven compared to other, more closed societies because there seems to be no boundaries placed on how far a person can go. What they do not see is the fact that there are many within these western cultures who are not making it because of the same false hopes. Sure there are exceptions to every thing but generally speaking British and Americans alike tend to grow up pretty close to the same economic levels in which they were raised. That being said, in the Western cultures we understand where we are and are not necessarily looking to become something we are not. Immigrants often see an image of a lifestyle that looks better than their own and want that, they think, but do so without thinking about all the other differences that go with it. Both Britain and America are victims of their own successes. Britain with its colonialism and America with its initial need for people to fill a land with people. Granted we would all likely be better off if we stuck together in our own places, but then there would be no America but only the “Free World” presided over by the native peoples. But, the simple fact is that humans, as a species, are never never satisfied with what they have. They always want something different or something better and it will continue this way until they have consumed the entire planet and then they, like the Mayans, will disappear. In one sense, Britain and America, are reaping what has been sown by our forefathers. We are paying the taxes, in effect, for their plunders.

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