The Mysterious Missing Russian Press

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TASS: Russian News Agency Headquarters

Many of you will recall how during the transition to our new President, I alerted each of you to how the Russian media outlets – specifically TASS News Agency (the Russian primary media outlet) and RT (Russian Today’s American version) have influenced Mr. Trump’s talking points during the campaign.

To make perfectly clear: TASS is the State run media outlet for Russians. I have said before that the current President of Russia enjoys a near 90% approval rating – according to these media outlets. Of course, I am sure it assists that Mr. Putin has all Executives from his media outlets attend a weekly meeting in order to shape what is and is not covered on their networks over there.

For whatever it is worth, RT has been quite influential to the Trump team, so much so, that you will recall I had told each of you just how the State Department provided warnings to Trump while he was repeating their talking points.

According to the State Department then, Mr. Trump was merely repeating propaganda, especially dangerous when he was going to become the next sitting United States President.

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That a cloud of suspicion continues to hover over the Trump presidency would be a sheer understatement. However, this problem becomes all the more problematic, when the current Administration admits freely that they are “in a feud” with our media here in the United States, but took no issue whatsoever in repeating the lies contained in the propaganda and pro-Russian state media.

Furthermore, we heard rumors during the transition on how the White House Brady Briefing Room was going to be no more, with the press pool relocated. The very next day we heard a turn around on that policy with Mr. Trump himself stating that the “room is quite small” while pointing to his audience size at his rally, and indicating “how he would need to pick the specific reporters covering those press briefings.”

All of the above very well may sound benign to each of you until I tell you the following:

A Russian reporter for TASS attended the Press Briefing on Tuesday! That’s right folks!

And get this: Not only did the man attend, but he was called upon for his question, at which point you can clearly see the propaganda machine going into overdrive. Said Andrei Sitov from Russian government news agency TASS, on live television no less, the following:

“The President has been what I can only describe as viciously, viciously attacked for his attitude to Russia, by his opponents here. He has withstood those attacks. So, I’m from Russia…….”

He continues, “and I ask you for my audience. Please explain us to why, what is his logic? Why he doing this? Why he is standing firm on wanting to improve? We are happy that he stands firm on that. But please explain to my audience his reasoning for believing that we can do it together.”

Spicer then answers how Mr. Trump is a “dealmaker,” blah, blah, blah, blah….!”

Folks, I have watched and observed politics since I was twelve years old – and NO I am not kidding you – and I can safely say that I HAVE NEVER seen a reporter representing the Russian government news agency TASS, ever ask a question at one of our Press Conferences! EVER!

Those continuing to think there is no relationship between this President and someone or something in Russia, especially when Donald Trump Junior admits that “an inordinate amount of assets they receive at Trump Enterprises comes from Russians,” there is absolutely NOTHING we can say to you to warn you that this is extremely unnerving, chilling and alarming!

Have you ever heard a Russian reporter ask a question during one of our Press Briefings, folks?

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Vella Connally
7 years ago

I firmly believe the abortion issue overcame any fears of him. But many are going to be in shock when they are personally affected. SS and Medicare cuts will certainly get their attention and as well as losing pre existing health coverage. If these happen soon enough to jolt voters, they may vote more intelligently.

Dr. Mark Bear
7 years ago

Hello Maria,

I do not think we will see any moves to remove this guy, that is until the Mid-Terms, and only if Democrats win the House. I just think – after observing – that too many republicans remain in fear of that good old word we have come to know since the Tea Party hijacked Republicans: Primaried! Thanks for adding to the dialogue!

Maria Acosta
7 years ago

As usual Mark, you have nailed it right on the head. I don’t understand why more “normal” people aren’t up in arms about what he is doing. I believe their drive to have things the way they want it (i.e. roll back women’s reproductive rights, reign in and control the media, do away with as many programs that are deemed to help the “liberal left”), is making them turn a blind eye and accept the things he is doing. I suspect that in time, he will eventually do something most of his supporters will not tolerate and then maybe we will be able to remove him. Right now, it would be an uphill battle and we would not have much backing from the supporters he has now, those that will eventually turn on him, and turn on him they will.

Peter Gosling
Reply to  Maria Acosta
7 years ago

I’m up in arms and will remain so until this twisted fool leaves office. What he has done pales in comparison to what he might do.

Dr. Mark Bear
Reply to  Peter Gosling
7 years ago


I believe you are correct! The majority of Americans cannot even see the dangers this guy poses. Either I am a horrible student of history, or worse, I am overly dramatic, but when one considers all he has done within one week, one must ask: What IS next? Silencing media outlets by berating their reporters, Silencing government agencies by imposing a gag rule, placing two of his campaign people over Voice of America – originally a non-partisan news source now threatened to be propaganda and state run media, his actions from yesterday, his allegations of “voter fraud,” when not ONE piece of evidence proffered, journalists charged with felonies for their covering the protests surrounding his inauguration on that day, and the list just goes on and on! Scary times indeed! Thank you for providing your thoughts here.

7 years ago

I think they’re perfectly happy with Trump until the midterms get closer.

Dr. Mark Bear
Reply to  Jerry
7 years ago


I agree because in essence he is am empty suit of sorts. They can use him to get their entire agenda pushed through, and then when they are done with him, they can kick him to the curb. I have always felt they have pinned their hopes on Pence, which leads me to my closing thought: Democrats had better get their act together NOW! We can – if we put our resources together – get control over the House again, but it will take a lot of hard work! We also will need to put aside our differences, currently still boiling over, if we plan on having any chance. Thanks for chiming in!

7 years ago

I think they want Pence as well, but these things take time, and Pence would be bad for America also, but not as bad as his master.

Dr. Mark Bear
Reply to  Mark R. Willis
7 years ago


The only “good” about Pence is that he is not as unstable as Trump, and what I mean by that is I don’t see him being trigger happy with nuclear weapons. However, the rest of his agenda is so bad, that I can see people wishing something of that magnitude occur. Thanks for chiming in!

Dr. Mark Bear
7 years ago

Hi Bill,

I agree with your analysis, especially since republicans – specifically tea party republicans – have been wanting this power since 2010. And, due to the principle we call reciprocity in social psychology, they feel indebted to him and the far-right.

Perhaps they are just allowing him sufficient rope to hang himself because I think they really, really want Mike Pence. If that is the case, they will lie in wait until Trump does something which they believe will tarnish their brand; as though it is not tarnished already! Thanks!

Bill Formby
7 years ago

Dr, Bear I firmly believe right now the Republicans are in a state of “giddyness” thinking that they now have the keys to the kingdom and can wipe away everything that Obama and the Democrats have achieved over the last three decades or more. They are too ecstatic to even think about rocking the boat. Trump has his plan moving forward which will, at some point in the near future, lift the sanctions on Russia and open up the oil fields in Russia for drilling. Given that Exxon already own those drilling rights and Tillerson will be often visiting with Putin it will become “Drill, baby, Drill”. I am as certain about this as I can be that there will be money flowing out of those Russian wells to accounts that belong to Trump and Tillerson in some shape, form, or fashion. Putin is far smarter than the jerks over here who voted for him and saw an opportunity and took it.
Do I believe that Putin likely has Trump frollicking with women in Russia? I would bet on it. So at the moment trump has everything exactly like he wants it. He has isolated the press, he has the Republicans in congress eating out of his hand, he has an attorney general that is too stupid to realize he is going to be a Trump toy soldier and scared to death he might lose his lofty position. He is, right now, the greatest show on earth and untouchable. Our best hope is that he will make a mistake that is too big for everyone to over look or that he suddenly decides that he is bigger than Putin. At that point he may well go down and take the Republicans with him.

Dr. Mark Bear
7 years ago


It is astounding to me that there is not a larger outcry by Republicans. Let’s remember these idiots were at the former President’s back for the slightest appearance that “he wasn’t one of us.” Can you say hypocrites?

7 years ago

I had never thought about this, but you are right Mark. No Russian press asking questions at Trump press conferences.

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