Terrorism: Empathy and the Religion of Bigotry

The isolation every human experiences at times, the distance from other humans, is bridged by commonalities, large and small. But when distances are so great that every bridge becomes suspect, how do we find and trust any common experience?

How John Boehner Tripped and Fell

The end of John Boehner’s speakership has provoked competing stories. He was a failure because he did not, or could not, resist the destructive impulses of the hard core right wing of his congressional caucus. He was a success because he reined in the most extremist elements, diverting them from even more self-destructive urges.

Conservatives and the Blood Soaked Logic of Religious and Ethnic Division

Even as a youngster, I read many theories about the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy. Some did indeed speculate about right wing, communist, organized crime, government, and other groups. I do not recall any false confessions or other planted evidence designed to implicate conservatives, or any rumors of such planted evidence.

Kim Davis and the Mahatma

Conservative indignation these days is less about principle than anger. One sadness of this episode is that Ms. Davis will be forgotten. She and her soon-to-be lonely stand will go the way of all fits.

Donald Trump’s 12 Angry Men

Pundits, politicians, and fellow candidates are bemused by the ability of Mr. Trump to float effortlessly above the polls as he violates one conservative shibboleth after another. Reducing taxes, slashing spending, shrinking government until it can be drowned in a bathtub, all are mere side issues.