From the Proud Democrat Obstructionist Department On Kathy Griffin

We’re all slavering and pantie-wetting over Kathy Griffin’s video shoot. Phrases like, “disgusting,” “contemptible,” and even “dumb” are being bandied about. Calls for her to be fired by CNN have been voiced, and Anderson Cooper has issued a statement.

Don’t Let Donald Trump Gaslight You

The recent fireworks show at an all but abandoned airstrip in Syria was a smashing win for our orange teevee dictator.

Here’s the latest from the government you elected

Congress will have one of its many vacations cut short, as members will be called back early to vote on latest Health Care debacle. This will prove to be a tougher fight than before because Trump has had time to build alliances with the teabag Caucus – the KKK wing of the Nazi party. Expect Trumpcare 2.0 to be even crueler and more destructive.

Why We Must Mobilize Against the Corporate Kleptocrats Now

The evidence is now overwhelming that Russia impacted the election, not only by using bots and fake news about Hillary and Bernie in an attempt to divide the Democratic party.

Donald Trump: The Illegitimate President

In Britain, they have a thing they call “Vote of No Confidence.” We don’t. Constitutional reparations for our current situation are quite limited. And the damage being done is rapidly outpacing them. But we have 3 weapons we can bring to bear.

Stop the Hate: Unite Against Trump and His House of Horrors

Look. Democrats, Independents, Berners, and anyone else who’s anti-Trump, Progressive, or even Center-Left. We need to get on one page. If you absolutely can’t stand the idea of Hillary, because you’ve bought into the same propaganda that the Republicans have been spewing for decades, and the Russians have been automating for the past 2 years, then I get that. But we need to shit or get off the pot. 2018 is coming, and we either make some loud changes, or we pack for an Australian Winter.

The Media Needs To Stop Hemming and Hawing About TrumpCare

I’m watching MSNBC. Now you know I love me some The Rachel Maddow Show, ’cause she’s got a pair. But the people on Saturday afternoon are still lost in that false equivalency mindset, thinking Trump is a normal P________ and for that matter a normal Human being. He is neither, and they don’t seem to get that yet.

Trump Muzzles State Department And Guess Who Is Happy About That

The Secretary of State is 4th in line of ascendency after the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. The State Department was the first Cabinet Post created under George Washington. That’s how important State is to our Government.

When the Richest Man In the World Isn’t Who You Might Think

I just learned something. The richest man in the world isn’t Bill Gates or either of the Koch Brothers. It isn’t Trump. Based on holdings, if not available cash, the richest man in the world is Vladimir Putin.

It’s OK To Insult The Donald, But Don’t Threaten Him

For the record, it is not illegal to insult the orange pus-ball. It is not illegal to call him out on his spaghetti of lies.

How Is Dismantling A Century Of Progress “Making America Great Again?”

In 1906, Upton Sinclair wrote “The Jungle.” Sinclair was a Socialist and the book is about the mistreatment of workers and immigrants in the meatpacking industry.

Trump Is A Sexual Predator And We Are His Date

After months and months of trying to nail down exactly who Donald Trump is, I think I’ve finally figured it out. Trump is a sexual predator, and the public of this once great nation is his date for tonight. He slipped us the Ruffie, now watch where he sticks that hairbrush.

Donald Trump-Making America Great Again In 2025

It’s January 2025. A visibly worn Donald Trump is about to begin his third term. After the debacle of 2020, elections were outlawed.

Making America Smart Again

If you look in the dictionary under the definition of “evil” you should see a picture of Adolf Hitler.