Critter talk: Be prepared to protect your pets on July 4th

I know it’s two weeks away but still … pets are more than capable of suffering for weeks in advance and on the back end of the dreaded Fourth of July holiday. Because God knows the bottle rockets and firecrackers are — frustratingly — already in evidence.

Demon Fish: The terrible truth about shark finning

The cruel and deliberate practice of slaughtering millions of sharks a year just so the meat from the fins can be added to soup must stop. This article speaks to this horrible business.

Critter talk: Surviving rabies is pure luck

An untreated California girl survives the rabies virus after an encounter with a rabid cat. Read the story here.

Critter talk: Shelter reduces fee for fat cats

Ohio shelter reduces the adoption fees for fat cats. Find out what Dr. Patty thinks about it right here.

Critter Talk: Protecting yourself from Salmonella Poisoning

You might be surprised to know how many people suffer from Salmonella poisoning in any given year and how many get it from their reptile pets. Read more here.

Critter Talk: Why do my cats meow?

That mysterious cat meow! Find out what it might mean here.

Critter Talk: Human Drugs Dangerous to your Pets

Ever leave a bottle of drugs laying about? Did you leave the bottle of Advil open? How about Nexium? Did your dog eat it? Discover the consequences of accidental drug ingestion here

Critter Talk: 7 tips on preventing dog bites

It’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week and there’s no better time than to talk about how to avoid dog bites. Read this very informative article from Dr. Patty.

Critter talk: Dumb pets or smart pets?

Are purebred dogs smarter than mutts? No way. Which do you prefer, the so-called smart dog or dumb dog? Read about it right here.

Critter Talk: 10 questions you should ask the breeder before buying a purebred puppy

Acquiring a new puppy is exciting, but it is important to know that you are getting a healthy, happy critter. Dr. Patty tells us what questions we should ask before we shell out the big money for a purebred.

Critter talk: The paradox of the pure bred dog (part 2)

Dr. Patty continues her discussion of pure-bred versus non pure-bred dogs.

Critter Talk: The paradox of the pure-bred dog (part 1)

People love their dogs, and many of us want purebreds, because we are under the mistaken impression that they are somehow “better.” This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Read part one of Dr. Patty’s series on purebred dogs.

Critter Talk: “Dog wars: Raise your dog to beat the best”

Dr. Patty speaks out on Google’s latest Android phone application that helps education our youth on how to fight dogs. Read the article to learn more about this horrible phone app.

Critter talk: Common conditions in dogs and cats

I have a lot of dogs and this list pretty much covers those conditions I have seen over the years, although not lately. Our cat and exotic lovers might recognize some ailments also. Read the inside story from Dr. Patty.