If This is God’s Business Let God Handle It

What is it about Republicans and worms? Sure it’s easy to take some cheap shots about evolutionary status and anatomical observation.

Smoke, Mirrors, Snake Oil and Sheep Dip

Facebook, Fraud, and Fox. Call it 3F, call it the Triumvirate of stupidity, Call it what you will, it’s eating us alive.

Should Your Right To Own And Bear Arms Be Subject To Abridgment?

It was a mistake to include a rationale for the Second Amendment in the amendment itself. That’s allowed the fallacious argument that the given rationale is exclusive and specific, despite the common assertion that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Santa Claus Gonna Grab Your Guns

Emails – boy do I get them. The longer you’ve had the same address and the more ads you’ve clicked on, even inadvertently.

Discredited Economic Theories—Scapegoats Born of Populist Superstition

Wealth is not deducted from some fixed sum that belongs to everyone. It’s created and the creation involves many people and many factors. 

Trackable by Lizard People on an Ocean of Lies

Yes, anyone who reads is aware of the dangerous, malignant, and disgusting misinformation erupting from various internet sources.

Bugs, Fish and Burlesque Queens

It’s an invasive species of moth which in its larval stage does a huge amount of damage to trees, particularly in New England.

Finding Dragon Man—An Entirely New Species Perhaps?

One would think that the growing number of pre-modern human remains being excavated would be shaking up academic and political assertions.

Today Is the Nineteenth of June

Mr. Biden mentions slavery as a stain on our history. Some will see it as a stain on the whole country, others will see it as the only stain.

The Mask of the Red Neck

It was a relief last week that my local Winn-Dixie supermarket relaxed the mask requirements for vaccinated customers.

That Sound You Hear Is Politics Trickling Down

The Cliche’ is that all politics is local, but I’m convinced otherwise: all of it trickles down from the PR firms and lobbying organizations.

Past or Future, Where Does Hope Reside?

Critical Race Theory isn’t a theory, in my opinion. If it were,  each premise would consistently lead to the described result.

America: A Domestic Horror Show and Gothic Theater of the Absurd

Anyone with a tv or radio or cellphone or who reads newspapers knows that today is the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.