Pawlenty pardons serial child rape

Tim Pawlenty, the Republican candidate for president, has found himself in a pickle for setting free a man who committed child rape, only to have him rape again and again. Here’s the whole story.

Obama mania sweeping Ireland

Barack Obama is one-fifth Irish which is fine with the good folk of Moneygall, Ireland. They turned out by the thousands to greet him today.

School “Snow Days” may be history thanks to Internet

I hated school. I looked forward to those days when there was no school. A school break was the best, but things have changed. Read the full article.

Michele Bachmann number one presidential hopeful? You’re kidding right?

Now who would have ever thought that the Republican field of presidential aspirants was so hopeless that someone like Michele Bachmann could actually rise to the top. Read this quick little summary for more.

Ben Stein vigorously defends IMF chief

I have never liked Ben Stein, and don’t think I ever will, especially after his latest commentary. Read about the latest outrage.

Bank of America, Chase and others may be prosecuted for fraud

The big banks have been screwing homeowners for years by making false claims about foreclosures. Read the story here.

Stephen Hawking: Heaven is just a fairy tale

Heaven and hell are akin to the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. They are fun stories and the kids love them, well, maybe not the hell part. Read about Stephen Hawking and his opinion of the fairy tales.

May 21, 2011: Only 5 more shopping days ’til the Rapture

This poor deluded bastard is so sure Jebus is coming he has thrown away his entire life savings. Read this incredible story.

Five responses to Right Wing bitterness over Obama poppin’ Osama

The Righties will never forgive Barack Obama, not just for having the audacity to run for president and to actually win, but to have the unmitigated gall to kill the most wanted man in the world. Read about the Right wing reaction right here.

City cites business for being too patriotic

Apparently, in Crystal River, Florida, it’s possible to be too patriotic. Read the story for more.

World class terrorist chief killed: Republicans hate it!

Who would have thought that doing the world a great service, such as killing the monster bin Laden, would upset anyone in the Western world? Well look who it upset right here in America.

The DOG that was a SEAL

The Navy SEAL’S dogs are part of elite team as you will learn when you read this story.

“Balders” demand Trump produce hair certificate

The Donald is running all over the country crowing that he “forced” the president to produce his birth certificate. Well, the shoe is now on the other foot, or, in this case are there follicles for that hair? Read this little story for more!

Westboro Baptists meet their match in Mississippi

The Westboro Crazies won’t be going back to Brandon, Mississippi anytime soon and this story will tell you why.