Alabama Tries to Out Conservative Everyone Else

To use the phrase “monkey see, monkey do” would be embarrassing and disrespectful to monkeys when applied to Alabama Republicans

Government Continues to Interfere in Religious Activitives

On the heels of the Obama Administration attempting to interfere with the religious beliefs of many regarding the use of contraceptives comes another story of governmental intrusion into religious practices.

Christians vs Romans: A Modern Analogy

I do not not pretend to be a Biblical scholar but in my very young days I was, like many southern kids in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, drug to church every time the doors open. In addition to that my great grandfather [with whom I spent a great deal of time as a child] was a holiness preacher.

I’m tired and I’m not going to take it anymore

Mine have more to do with the Republican primaries and the endless attempts at smackdowns being played by the candidates, especially Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum.

USMC: A Question of Shame or Honor

The recent release of a video of Marines urinating on the enemy dead has brought about numerous comments in the mainstream media, here on MMA, local newspapers, and probably in barber shops around the country about what, if anything, should be done to the four Marines involved.

New Religion Fights Online Piracy Laws

A group in Sweden has taken a unique approach to fighting the online piracy laws by using a new religion.

Man Killed By Train Sued By Bystander Hit By Body Parts

“So you had a bad day,” as the song starts out. Well, yours had to be better than did Hiroyuki Joho back in 2008 as he was hurrying to some unknown destination on a rainy day in Chicago.

Can Republicans Be Christians?

In one election after another one thing that Republicans have been able count on in terms of a voting bloc has been the Christians. In fact, most people would question the premise that they present a paradox until we actually start breaking down their alleged value systems.

Pawns-A Bill Formby Poem

A poem for those reactionaries who panic and follow the best sound bite they can find. Never thinking nor questioning.

The Never Ending Football Bowl Naming Game

I remember the plans for New Year’s Day and how we were going to watch all the bowl games we could because that was the end of the college football season.

Musings From The Edge: Is It Time For A Parliamentary System Of Government

Perhaps it is time we considered breaking this logjam by breaking away from our present form of government and trying something different.

It’s NOT the economy stupid

In the upcoming election both sides will be pounding on the issue of the economy from the right and the left but this time “it is not about the economy, stupid.” It is about ideology, pure and simple, especially for the Republicans.

Musings From The Edge: The Good Old Days?

While exchanging e-mails with a friend of mine who is actually older than me (I shudder at the thought) we were discussing the way things were in the old days.

Musing From The Edge: Happy Birthday Marine

As a fellow Marine I am proud to have served among you. As a fellow American I thank you for your sacrifices.