Why ‘American Exceptionalism’ Is No Longer A Point of Pride

Only one nation in the entire world now refuses to accept the science of climate change: the United States. We are also the only nation to steadfastly refuse to use the Metric System, the only developed nation that doesn’t guarantee health care access to all its citizens, and the only nation that has not restricted access to guns despite frequent mass shootings.

We Should Make It As Hard As We Can To Be A Mass Killer

The bells of Sutherland Springs toll for us all, each and every American. The dead at their church, on a Chicago street, in an Aurora theater, in a Columbine high school or in a Sandy Hook grade school were all Americans.

Guess Who Was Tuesday’s Biggest Loser

Donald Trump put his considerable weight behind two Republican gubernatorial candidates and, happily, both of them lost “bigly.”  Naturally, Trump being who he is immediately distanced himself from his own horrible loss.

Did DNC Really Rig 2016 Primary Election?

Was the 2016 Democratic primary rigged? It depends on what your definition of the word “rigged” is — but a top campaign adviser to Bernie Sanders declared that after new revelations this past week, “it is unquestionably the case that the DNC was not neutral” during the contest.

Donald the Dumb: I Never Knew We Had So Many Countries

It’s virtually impossible to predict what Donald Trump is going to say next because he’s scatterbrained, when he’s not being half-brained or no-brained. 

Trump’s Best Advice on Mass Shootings: Send Thoughts and Prayers

Twenty-six more ‘Murkins die, in an incident that now occurs 2 & 3 times a week. There’s nothing we can do about it, says the only nation where it happens. Somebody posted about how this guy wasn’t a Muslim, wasn’t a Black thug selling cigarettes, and wasn’t a drug-addled MS-13er. Somebody posted about how maybe this insane WHITE guy – another “Lone Wolf” – shouldn’t have had access to military weaponry.

Guns: Here’s the Big Problem With Background Checks

This Kelley bastard could have used a bomb or a truck and killed a lot of people, but guns are easier and especially when there are either no background checks or the database hasn’t been kept up and when the rifle he had came with a 30-round magazine.

PSA: ObamaCare (ACA) Open Enrollment From November 1-December 15

This is a reminder to all fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of the 2018 Affordable Care Act (ACA). Remember the Trump Gang slashed the advertising budget by 90% in an effort to deprive the American people of affordable insurance.

The President Who Might Have Been But Never Was

As Trump scandals begin moving into actual criminal indictments, with looming prison time, one sports event symbolizes, at least for me, the tragedy of our 43rd President, the President whose love for baseball was unsurpassed.

Brexit: Will It Really Happen?

As a devout ‘Brexiteer’ (who voted ‘remain’ of course for my daughter and our young people as they wanted to remain and being the nice chap I am) I have to say that I am beginning to wonder whether Brexit will actually ever happen. Given 52% of the people who voted, voted for it against 48% against then surely, if we are a democracy, it has to but, will it? I am increasingly uncertain about this and I will tell you why.