Using Halliburton to Establish More Republican Street Cred

Well okay. Maybe “street cred” is not quite the phrase I should use but most of the nickel and dimers who read this godless and immoral site wouldn’t appreciate the term “country club cred” so I go with street cred.

The Disturbing Islamification Of The United Kingdom

This is Britain my friend. This is England. Muslim’s must learn that and quickly. Our patience is wearing thin. If you want to remain welcome here then you need to start giving us a reason to make you welcome and, to date, you aren’t. Speak out loudly against those of your faith who are bastardising your faith and making it into something terrible and something that needs to be destroyed. Speak out loudly before we start to wonder whether you are complicit.

Our Monday Afternoon Cartoon

The State of Maine’s wacky governor is still threatening to quarantine Nurse Kaci Hickox. He’s only doing it because so many uninformed people have been convinced by Fox News that she is a carrier of Ebola.