A nation in shock: The Palin emails debut

The digital devices of Sarah the Palin will soon be exposed to the world. The show starts tomorrow and here’s the latest on the activity at the start-up gate.

Lieberman to attend Glenn Beck’s “important” Israel rally

Jumpin’ Joe Lieberman, best friend of John McCain, lover of all things FOX, also loves Glenn Beck. You won’t believe what he’s got to say about the Right Wing Huckster. Find out here.

Delta Air gouges returning soldiers

Delta airlines is one of the worst in the nation but now they’re showing disrespect to our fighting men. Read this shocking story.

Global warming crashing world food supply

Climate change is taking place right before our eyes and yet there are still those who deny its existence. Terrible things are coming our way, and not a hundred years from now either. In a couple of scant decades life is going to change for the worse so you should be ready. Read this scary story.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad accuses west of stealing rain clouds

Welcome to the ‘Wacko Club’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Do you think the moon landing was faked?

Warning: “Moving Around,” Flushing in Your Home Justifies Warrantless Entry

The Supreme Court just ruled that the sound of “moving and perhaps toilets being flushed” is adequate legal justification for police to forcibly enter your home. Read the full story here.

The Pathology of Birtherism

How “birthers” qualify to be categorized pathological.

Will the death of the Beast from the Middle East end the war?

The beast from the Middle East is dead. His head was blown away by America’s best and that means the world is a better place. Does it mean we should withdraw now? Read the story for more.

Here’s why NPR really matters

A compelling commentary by Scott Simon of NPR explaining how public radio transformed the air waves and is ultimately relevant (indispensable?) today.

Reuters publishes grisly pictures of raid

Reuters news agency managed to obtain several actual pictures from the raid on bin Laden’s compound. Click to open full article but these pictures are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!

Gray wolf extermination begins TODAY in Montana and Idaho

Today the wolves are once again under attack, thanks to the Obama administration. Read the sad story of history repeating itself.

Pope fires bishop for suggesting clergy marry

A man with courage comes forward and makes a suggestion that could end the abuse of children by the Catholic church, solve the shortage of nuns and priests, and bring the church into the 21st Century. The pompous pope didn’t like that. Read the whole story here!

William and Kate: The final word

We had a day of crowds the other day with the royal wedding, but as I am writing this there are crowds in America celebrating the death of Bin Laden. Congratulations to the CIA and the Seals.

Mad Michele of Minnesota: Obama killed 30K in Tripoli attack

Let’s face it, Michele Bachmann is no Rhodes Scholar, or, for that matter, even a bright person. I won’t go so far as to say she is dumb as a rock although the temptation is great. Read about her latest nuttery.