Is Obama Using Sorcery to Bring About the Apocalypse

Who are they? Who would steal such sacred Catholic relics? And why would they do it, especially in this age when you can obtain Jesus’ immaculate face by simply making a piece of toast or frying up a tortilla?

The question of “who” can be easily answered by solving the question of “why.” Look at the list of stolen relics: Jesus’ foreskin, three pieces of the cross, and a saint’s jawbone and heart. The items are four of the five ingredients needed to turn a willow branch into the Great and Horrible Pointed Stick of Andromalius–the weapon the Antichrist will use to begin the apocalypse by taunting the Lord’s champion while repeatedly poking him in his secret parts.

As of now, the fifth ingredient, St. Anthony’s tongue, is tucked away deep inside a basilica in Padua, Italy. But it isn’t safe there. The Antichrist, Barack Fluke Obama, is using the dark power of contraceptives to pressure the Catholic Bishops into surrendering the saint’s tongue. Sure, it might appear as if he’s denied their demand to impose God’s law on their gentile employees, but being the Antichrist, he’s crafty–he’s merely applying pressure until they slip him their sacred tongue.

Ten idiotic reasons why Christianity is superior

Ah, lists. They are so often written with complete sincerity, with the author seeming to believe that a few lines will convince anyone of their point. They appear to believe that by using a series of numbers or bullets that their stated reasons will be built up into an insurmountable wall of truth.

The majority has no right to tyrannize the minority

One can hardly turn on the television or open a browser without hearing the current crop of GOP Presidential candidates touting about how we are all going to hell in a hand basket if the USA doesn’t return to its Christian roots.

Valentines Day – The awful truth

If you are a member of The Restored Church of God and you want want to have some fun on Valentines Day, you had better go Catholic for a day or so.

If I don’t believe in God does that mean I don’t believe in Love?

Morality, by definition, is a built-in condition of humanity. The moral tendency exists in just about everyone who is capable of empathy, which is an extremely subjective emotion. This is the product of our evolution as a societal species.

Fox and Friends: Burn some tax payer funded incense

Ah, Fox and Friends Sunday. No matter what, you can always rely on them to have some incredibly right wing angry pseudo Christian bigot on, disrespecting President Obama, longing for the Bush presidency or worshiping at the altar of Reagan, all the while proclaiming their undying love of Jaysus.

The Holy Bible: A traveler’s guide to the subjugation of women

In American society, misogyny is rampant and is the sole reason why there exists gender inequality in almost every area of life.

Christians vs Romans: A Modern Analogy

I do not not pretend to be a Biblical scholar but in my very young days I was, like many southern kids in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, drug to church every time the doors open. In addition to that my great grandfather [with whom I spent a great deal of time as a child] was a holiness preacher.

Atheists challenged to prove Bible false

Many Christians believe the Bible is actually the word of their deity as heard by ancient Jewish desert dwellers, thousands of years ago. They get seriously irritated when anyone challenges even one word of the Bible because it’s akin to challenging the big guy himself. As a result they are forever laying down the gauntlet in front of the peaceful Atheist who really just want’s to be left alone.

Good Catholics at it again: Archdiocese Bookeeper Busted

The pompous and self righteous Catholics are at it once again, this time in the form, not of a pedophile priest, but a trusted “religious woman going to church every day:”

Christians: Exchanging Reason for Ignorance

The Christian religion purports itself to be non-judgmental, as the notion of “judge not lest ye be judged” is often cited by Christians. Literally, this means that only the Christian god can judge any actions to be immoral.

Pennsylvania lawmakers declare 2012 year of the bible

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives has decided that it wants to get in on the useless, “crazy bill” train. I was as shocked as you that there was still room on that train in the first place.

All For The Glory of God

I just finished reading another story about yet another horrible accident that resulted in yet even more untimely deaths.

It’s the Holy Dollar not the Holy Spirit-Megamoney and Megachurches

Have you ever wondered where the millions and millions of dollars people give to their respective churches actually goes? Does it go to feed the poor?