GMO Crop Chemicals Create Explosion of Mutant Bugs

Farmers have been forced to use even more of the harmful pesticides that have been known to contribute to cancer, and are suspected of devastating the global honeybee population.

Pearl Harbor and 9-11Attacks

I swore I was not going to write a piece about 9-11 for I know better writers than myself would be all over it but that changed when I saw “teasers” saying the Bush Administration knew of the impending attacks and just sat on their hands.

Stop Obama from Weakening Endangered Species Act

The Obama government is now accepting comments on a draft policy that would sharply limit the number of species given protection under the Endangered Species Act. The policy in question is a Bush-era throwback that ignores entire populations of imperiled species.

Torture: It just might work?

Is torture sometimes OK? Is there evidence to suggest that torture actually works? Find out here.

No protection for endangered polar bears

There are to be no protections for the beleaguered polar bears. Read the full article to learn more…