Is Obama Really Cinderella?

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You’ve heard of Cinderella? Of course you have. Perhaps the president is “Blackarella.” The comparisons are inevitable.

Tip ‘o the hat to Judith Ellis

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Randal Graves
13 years ago

One on the one hand I’m shocked – shocked! – that a politician didn’t make good on campaign promises but I’m even more shocked that no one mentioned Blacula.

13 years ago

I’m having a wee bit of trouble here imagining Cou…oops….;-) The Prez as a blond blue eyed cartoon princess.

I do have a vivid imagination but really!!!!

Seriously peeps. He still has the potential to be one of the best ever. I just hope A) He’s allowed the chance to be and B) He really wants to be. Then it could happen.

Reply to  fourdinners
13 years ago

He needs the people in the senate and house to not be all big babies and get in there to help with this stuff. They need to quit the boot licking of big business, and get their collective asses in gear.

13 years ago

Here is Jonathan Alter from The Colbert Report last night.

13 years ago

seriously. look at HCR. the exact language used by health insurers to deny care due to pre-existing conditions is included in the text. The EXACT LANGUAGE. So rather than present a case for denial they can merely point to the bill. I’m not making this up. Language is included that negates caps on benefits too. I’ve searched and read the text within the document.

Look at financial reform. I have a very good layman’s understanding of the issue. Effectively all of the systemic change has been removed, most of the regulatory change included in the White Paper has been gutted if it was even included. The Fed was asleep at the switch and now has even more power.

I’m not making this up, I’m not crusading against Obama. I read this stuff and study the issues. This is BAD legislation which will come back to haunt us.

Reply to  osori
13 years ago

Bro… the perception is that the ‘door has been opened’ now to larger, fairer, more concise legislation to come in. No one is really saying the whole thing is what we need.

I happen to agree with you. I don’t think we have the time to waste ‘opening doors wider’ to … and I guess there are those who think the legislation that has passed so far on HCR and Banking is fine…
to that I have no words. We disagree. Glass-Stegal remains unintact. Big banking is given much loophole territory to stretch more bunko and legal squeeze through. The only way to fight all of this is, economic statements of unitarianism and voting in folks who will take the large steps, damn the status quo.
Because there has been just that, too much status quo.

13 years ago

Enjoy everyone.

13 years ago

Saw this the other day and it was just perfect. He sure inherited a pile did he not?

13 years ago

Obama chose to kick the can down the road on all of them, and left whoever succeeds him with even worse issues. Kinda like the previous occupant. Both have been credited by their supporters for tremendous domestic accomplishment (Bush for tax cuts on the wealthy and Medicare Part D, Obama for healthcare and financial reform). Bush’s accomplishments were only beneficial to his wealthy supporters. An objective analysis of Obama’s accomplishments will yield the same analysis-he bailed out his campaign donors at the expense of the working class.

13 years ago

Love the cartoon, Mike. I used it in my open thread a few days ago. Never has one president been left a wider variety of national disasters.

13 years ago

So this cartoon is complaining that Obama is being asked to do all the things he promised to do on the campaign trail? Poor baby.

Reply to  Professor Mike
13 years ago

Well…he did make promises on most of those items. Maybe promise is a little strong, but he did address the issues. Of course, by the time you get to be my age, you are use to politicians exaggerating what they are going to do.

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