Titanic Mistakes: Three Undeserving Best Picture Winners

Here are three films that won the Oscar for Best Picture but didn’t even deserve to be nominated.

Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge is not Safe to Eat (Official)

Would you eat Toxic Waste? Maybe you have. Read the article for more details …

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses – except in AZ

It’s about the new State bills in AZ that want to take citizenship away from babies born in the U.S. to parents who are not citizens.

It’s Groundhog Day again and again . . .

I have always been a fan of Bill Murray and will watch any movie he is in. A particular favorite is Groundhog Day (1993) . When I first saw it, I though it a typical Bill Murray performance, but there was something about it that was more than charming, something deeper.

Maher’s New Rules- Sports and Politics!

On this week’s show, Bill Maher combines two of my biggest passions, sports and politics in his New Rules section. Thankfully Crooks and Liars does the dirty work and clips the video.

If Tamerlane’s mother cried for him, would Persia have mourned her tears?

I remember one thing very clearly from that night. As the Russian helicopter hovered I looked into the face of its pilot, and he was grinning.

Farting a crime in Malawi?

The government of Malawi plan to punish persistent offenders ‘who foul the air’ in a bid to ‘mould responsible and disciplined citizens.’

Police, Army join Egypt protesters

First the police joined the screaming mobs, then the army. What happens next? Read the full story.

Joe’s Super Bowl Prediction – And Shameless Grandbaby Pic.

Next weekends Super Bowl has all the makings as one for the ages. Perhaps even bigger than the Wrestlemania that pitted Hulk Hogan against Andre the Giant. (You loved it. You know you did)

Wikileaks: U.S. Secretly Backed Egyptian Protesters

Tear gas being used by the country’s police on protesters in Cairo was made in the U.S., according to multiple reports. Is this yet more proof that the U.S. supports the protesters?