Koch Bros Convention draws plenty of protesters

The rich folks in Rancho Mirage were not amused by protesters that showed up to voice their distaste with the Koch Brothers Billionaire Caucus this weekend.

Oklahoma crazies want law requiring teachers to question evolution

Things are getting nuttier by the day in Oklahoma as the Crazy Christians battle to force their insane beliefs on our children.

Julian Assange: Wikileaks mission same as Founding Fathers

The boss of Wikileaks likens the mission of his organization to that of the Founding Fathers. Read the full article.

Critter talk: Top 7 favorite home remedies for your pet

Everyone’s tried home remedies. But they’re not all created equal. With that in mind, Dr. Patty discusses her top seven picks for safe and effective treatment of minor ills. Enjoy the article!

Keeping our SOBs happy

Always judge a person/nation by the company they keep. Wow Uncle Sam you need to find some better friends.

U.S. evacuating citizens from Egypt

Things are bad in Egypt and only getting worse. As a result the United States and other nations are ordering their citizens home.

The long sad journey of a desperate bear

Researchers tracked a polar bear as it desperately tries to find an ice floe before it drowns.

California mayor wants to broadcast bird song to make everyone happy

Well we all know that politicians can often come up with strange ideas. This one is no different than many of those, or is it? Read the full article.

The fun of imagination: What some folk do when it snows

Do you enjoy the snow? I can think of a couple of our contributors who just might, and might even enjoy it for the fun it presents. Enjoy.