Westboro Baptist Boss Fred Phelps beat wife and kids

The leader of America’s most evil clan of crazy Christians is a seriously bad dude. Why are we not surprised? Read the story to learn more.

Republican house says NO to NPR funding

The Republicans aren’t known for their intellectual bent. They are more known for God, Guns and minority hating. So no surprise here so read the story for more.

Critter talk: The high cost of euthanasia

I’ve often wondered how veterinarians can perform euthanasia sometimes on a daily basis. Dr. Patty talks about the toll it takes.

Man runs over kittens so he can eat them for dinner

The lengths some will go to in order to set the record for depravity is astonishing. Read this story:

Weiner engages Bachmann & Hannity in shouting match (video)

You can count on New York’s Anthony Weiner to tell it like it is and he did just that Wednesday night. Watch:

Rogue squirrel terrorizes Vermont neighborhood

A very angry squirrel is literally attacking people in Bennington, Vermont. Read this strange little story of a squirrel gone “nuts.”

White House: Time to back airstrikes in Libya

This president, unlike his predecessor, deliberates carefully before committing the U.S. military. Read the summary of the NYT article.

Nutty Glenn Beck says Japan disaster a message from God

Glenn Beck is a lunatic and fits in well with the rest of the idiots at Fox news. You won’t believe the latest.

President Obama doing exactly what he should be doing

The president may move quietly, and without fanfare, but when he moves it is with purpose. Read this story:

Republicans compare Sarah Palin to Al Sharpton (lol)

Silly Sarah the Palin has embarrassed her own party to the point where they are calling her names. Here is The Palin and the latest from the Right: