Shakespeare’s 467th birthday – Celebrate 2011-style

The immortal bard never goes out of style. Nearly 500 years later, we still talk about him.

Scotland Yard rounds up anarchists

One minute you are an anarchist, minding your own business, walking the streets of London, the next minute you are under arrest.

Obama releases long form birth certificate

The Obama administration has finally released his long form birth certificate. Will it make a difference to the naysayers? Read the full story and tell us what you think.

Climate change will reduce water supply in American West

Regardless of what the Republicans might see climate change is real and will soon be coming to a neighborhood near you. Read the full story here.

Firefighters halt donations to Democrats

The international Association of Firefighters is halting political donations to federal candidates, citing lack of support.

Will 2016 be the last year of America’s greatness?

Is the “Age of America” drawing to a close? According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), its demise as the leading economic power is five years away.

CNN investigation: Obama definitely born in Hawaii

Case closed—at least as far as CNN is concerned: President Obama was, in fact, born in Hawaii. Read about it here!