Rick Perry preacher: Japan problems result of emperor sleeping with demon

C. Peter Wagner, an endorser of Gov. Rick Perry’s “The Response” prayer rally, explains that the nation of Japan is controlled by a demon spirit (The Sun Goddess) because the Emperor had sexual intercourse with her. Read about it here.

An Atheist Goes to Church

As a favor to a girlfriend I attended her church years ago, and here is what I discovered and the conclusions I drew based on that experience.

Atheist wins right to wear pasta strainer as “religious headgear”

An Austrian man has won the legal right to wear a pasta strainer on his head for his driving license photo to honor his religion.

Michele Bachmann: Gays hired Westboro Baptists

Michele Bachmann doesn’t mince words when it comes to how she feels about the gay community. Read this latest shocker from the #1 Republican contender for president.

Senator Jay Rockefeller calls for Rupert Murdoch investigation

Senator Jay Rockefeller wants to know if Rupert Murdoch’s U.S. companies have violated the privacy of any American citizens. Good idea.

6 extremely remote inhabited islands

If you look hard enough you can find your own little corner of the world. Check out these remote, yet inhabited places.

Desperate Wisconsin Republicans Place Fake Democrats on Recall Ballot

The Wisconsin Republicans are getting desperate, as they use a ploy to buy more time. Read this story for more.