Question Gravity!

Question Gravity? Why not, after all you can’t see it. Thanks to my German brother Carsten Göldner for bringing this to my attention.

Beware of the half truth

Apologizing and forgiving is all part of life. If you don’t partake, life will eat you alive.

How to Morph Little Girls into Brainless Bimbos

Pageant parents do a grave injustice by forcing little girls to focus solely on external beauty instead of intellectual development; they rob children their childhood.

The saddest (and most amusing) movie clips ever (VIDEO)

The study found that the saddest movie clip of all time may very well be from a poorly-reviewed 1979 boxing movie. Watch the clip here….

Alien spacecraft found at bottom of sea?

Man has long wondered about life on other worlds, and whether or not the aliens are really out there. Well, the speculation may be about to change if the anomaly found at the bottom of the sea turns out to be extraterrestrial.

Musings From The Edge: A Non Economist View of the Tea Party Ideology

Along with many others I have been watching the debacle in the nation’s capitol that has been referred to a the debt ceiling debate. I wouldn’t really called it a debate. It was more like two parents trying to deal with a two year old child pitching a temper tantrum in the middle of Wal Mart and not doing a very good job of it.

Our dying world: Slimy hagfish threatened

Once again man leaves his indelible mark on nature, one that cannot be removed, as scientists discover yet another species, the hagfish, threatened with extinction. Read about it here.