Putin’s party takes a pounding in Russian elections

Apparently Mr. Putin’s popularity might be in his own mind as Russians leave their mark in the country’s ballot boxes.

Iran shoots down U.S. drone

Times are getting tough in the Middle East, but then again they’ve been tough for centuries and the 21st Century is no exception.

Captive killer whale could test endangered species act

Forty years after hunters lassoed a young killer whale off Whidbey Island and sold it to a Florida theme park, whale advocates are turning to an unusual tactic to try to force the orca’s release: the Endangered Species Act.

Brownback learns hard way, teenage girls can be bad asses

I happen to know from experience that a strong-willed, free-thinking teenage girl is a formidable opponent, and not to be trifled with in a heavy-handed manner. I am the father of one.

Top Three Delusions of the Week

We all indulge in self-lies. Of course, some self-lies trump others, and an unusual number of serious delusions have made their way the headlines this week. Read here for the top three.

General Petraeus for President?

As flawed as he is, Newt is the best and most prepared of all the candidates we have in the field. Unfortunately that is also a problem. The best we have to offer is the flawed Newt Gingrich.

The Sunday Talk Show Cheat Sheet

It’s that time again, or should I say that “day” as Sunday is here and the pols are out in droves. Here’s the Sunday talks roundup! Enjoy…