Why would anyone vote for Ron Paul?

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When I was a guest services manager, I interviewed a lot of people. I interviewed many people when I was a retail manager, and even more people when I was the front of the house manager for a restaurant in Michigan.  I hadn’t heard of Ron Paul.

If at any time, one of those interviewees had said to me “I don’t really want to run your organization, I want to burn it to the ground,” odds are, they would not have gotten a second interview. So, why is Ron Paul running for president?

Ron Paul hates the government. He wants to destroy it, piece by piece, department by department, until all that’s left is a smoking pile of rubble. He wants to eliminate the FDA, the FAA, the EPA, the DOE, the Federal Reserve and go back to the gold standard. And people, especially “progressives”, are lining up to support him. Ron Paul finished a close third in Iowa yesterday, and I have no idea why.

Is it the pot thing? Are people so desperate to get high that they would ignore the reckless ideas Ron Paul espouses? Let’s look at the drug issue for a moment. Ron Paul wants to legalize all drugs, not just marijuana. He wants to legalize crack cocaine, which can kill you the first time you use it. He wants to legalize heroin, one of the most deadly substances on Earth. Meth? Sure, why not. His rationale for this is that if you currently don’t use drugs, this won’t affect you one bit. Really? What about a family who is desperately trying to get a loved one to stop using heroin? Will it affect them?

Ron Paul believes that federal departments of the government are wasteful. Not some, all. So, he wants to privatize them, thus creating a larger corporate America. We don’t need the FDA, in Paul’s world, let Pfizer and Bayer police their own drugs. What could go wrong? Well, since corporations are all about profit, odds are Pfizer and Bayer would skip a few tests in order to get their drugs into the marketplace more quickly. They’d take their chances, so to speak. No FAA? No problem, in Ron Paul’s world. Boeing, I’m sure, would be as meticulous in scheduling maintenance on their planes without someone forcing them too, right? Wrong.

Like clean air and water without arsenic? Oh well, says Ron Paul, the EPA has to go. Enjoy having a public school for your kids? Tough. Get ready for vouchers and corporate owned educational opportunities coming to a neighborhood near you. Ron Paul wants to increase the number of corporations in America by destroying the federal government. He doesn’t want to govern, he wants to slash and burn.

When I wrote my piece on Halloween costumes for the Republican candidates, I put Ron Paul in a Gollum costume and had him whispering “precious” to a copy of the Constitution all night. Thanks to our publisher, I now realize that the Constitution is no longer Ron Paul’s obsession. His new “precious” is the White House. Ron Paul wants to be president so he can systematically destroy what America is, what America has been and what America will be. Ron Paul doesn’t understand the modern world. He believes that the Constitution must be interpreted literally, and he wants to bring America back to the 18th century, when blacks and women were less than people, government agencies didn’t exist, because there was no need for them, and taxes were nonexistent.

We need the FAA and the EPA and the FDA and the DOE. Corrupt corporations cannot, and will not, police themselves. We need public schools, because millions of American children cannot afford to attend a private school, parochial or otherwise. We are not living in the 18th century any longer, but Ron Paul believes we are. Ron Paul is like a fundamental Christian with a Bible: there is no room for flexibility, there is no room for compromise. The Constitution must be taken literally, and anything that is not in it must be destroyed. No matter that the world has changed in the past 200 years, no matter that companies like Dow and Koch Industries and Monsanto didn’t exist 200 years ago. It doesn’t matter to Ron Paul that when the Constitution was written, we didn’t have air travel, so of course we had no need for the FAA. He wants the 18th century now, and he is willing to slaughter the federal government to reach his insane goal.

A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for a country and a world no one would really want.  Are you voting for Ron Paul?  If so tell us what in the world can you be thinking.

About Post Author

Erin Nanasi

Erin Nanasi is an avid underwater basket weaver, with a penchant for satire and the odd wombat reference.
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12 years ago


What a bunch of shills for out-of-control federal government! How many of you “independant” commentors own or work for corporations that bleed billions from the tax-payers via your whores in D.C. giving you no bid contracts?

What the man is saying is the STATES need to run these programs, not the “Renfield Class” in D.C.!

There’s not one single federal agency that hasn’t been taken over by sleazy bastards “appointed” by their pocket politicians in these departments!

FDA – owned and operated by former officers of the drug companies

CIA – owned and operated by huge corporations for one purpose; to topple governments not “friendly” to corporate interests of the Fascist States of America

Fanny/Freddie bled dry by Wall Street and filth like “Newt” Ginrich!

EPA – did a real “bang-up” job of protecting the Gulf from BP, didn’t they?

Federal reserve – PRIVATE and unconstitutional, stuck up our butts in 1913 BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Internal Revenue Service – PRIVATE collection agency for the PRIVATE Federal Reserve to collect the illegal UN-apportioned wage tax!
Stuck up our butts by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Is it needed to operate our Federal services? NO!
google “Grace Commission” and see how the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has/is screwing the states! THINK!! the writer of the garbage above is either a drooling idiot OR a shill for those who stand to lose the most if we reign in the traitors in D.C.!

Do you little sycophants remember back in the ’70’s when they took control/regulation of state/local banking away from the states and handed it over to the Fed? Well, once they got it, they only had to buy off a few whores in D.C. to begin raping the people with outrageous fees and interest on credit cards! Paul doesn’t “hate government” you weasel, he hates a bloated/corrupt FEDERAL government that has signed into law little ditties like the NDAA and has handed over the security of our ports and airports to foreign nations! Before you people consider the bullsh*t the idiot is handing you, just look at the state of your country THANKS TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!

Reply to  paschn
12 years ago

I’m upset with you for bringing me back to this shit website — but Bravo and Kudos! You hit it on the head on all accounts.

Reply to  paschn
12 years ago

You Paul Bots are passionate, I’ll give you that. Then again passion and common sense don’t always marry well, as in this case.

Reply to  Professor Mike
12 years ago

MJS, this is a prime example of posting a comment while not actually saying anything substantial.

You just toss out your personal opinion on thousands of people you don’t know, while in no way explaining why.

I’m not a big fan of people named ‘Michael’ to be honest with you.. Michaels are all idiots.

12 years ago

haters gonna hate. As I see it there are only 2 candidates: Paul and the same as last year. as last year. as last year. as last year. And I think I know who is going to win this time ):

End the Federal reserve, or .. oh you don’t know what it is?
Maby it is better if you close your eyes… and sleep.

‘Corrupt corporations cannot, and will not, police themselves.’ as the writer wrote.

12 years ago

Ron Paul is America’s last chance to return to the free and wealthy nation we once was. Ron Paul had the foresight to see the mess we are in now back in 2002. Unfortunately no one listened. Just go to youtube search all of ron Paul’s 2002 predictions come true. It is a clip of cspan coverage of a congressional meeting to where Ron Paul addressed the house for 5 minutes. If Paul had the incredible foresight, and knowledge to see the mess we was heading for, then clearly he is the only one that can get us out of this mess. Today because of powers obtained in the patriot act we now have indefinate detention with out trial for American citizens. Our bill of rights repealed. It authorizes the military to secretly arrest, torture, and indefinitely detain anyone they say is a terrorist. Things that make you a terrorist are having 7 days or more of food, ammunition, missing fingers, and so on. Wake Up America

12 years ago

Erin N,

I see you did not respond to “BetweenUnemployment” Ron Paul does not want to end the federal government. He wants the states to decide their own laws. The accusations you make are completely unfounded and only shows a lack of your education of the facts. We have been going down the same road since the early 1900s one corrupt politician after another, lobbying representatives controlled by big money that only seek to line their pockets by the fruits of war at the expense of all humans.

12 years ago

First of all, I don’t expect a single self proclaimed democrat to have the mental capacity to understand a word coming from Pauls mouth. Nor can I read any of the anti Ron Paul comments without thinking that the writers have no more knowledge of Ron Pauls political views than what they read in headlines, contextless YouTube clips and biased news anchors guest opinions.

I support minimal govt, I support liberty and I support states rights … I support a foreign policy of mind your own business and
Most of all

I support the only republican candidate who has not sold out his interest for vote, never changed the core of his message, stands for everything this country needs to come out of the mess Obama created/prolonged and I support the only republican candidate who is not a fad vote and is the only candidate capable of leading close enough to the middle that he can pick up all swing votes to get Obama gone….

I suggest several people do their homework before opening their mouths about something they are ignorant about… (and that includes the state of this nation, not just presidential hopefuls)

12 years ago

do you ever cite anything? or is this just your own bullshit opinion? wonder why your country is as F****** up as it is? cause i sure dont…

12 years ago

Its been shown many times over that legalizing and making available drugs results in huge drops in associated crime, and fewer new users, and existing users more willing to seek help.

12 years ago

[…] Why would anyone vote for Ron Paul? | MadMikesAmerica. […]

12 years ago

Ron Paul is worshipped by ignorant hipsters who carry their politics as if it were fashion.

Robin Vigfusson
12 years ago

Excellent article, Erin. Paul would completely decimate this country. Cult leaders should never run for president. As Bob Cesca puts it, let him keep spreading the word of ‘Ayn Rand, the L. Ron Hubbard of Politics’ among his faithful.

12 years ago

Yes, there’s no doubt that if a man won’t make a good waiter, he has no business being president.

You can’t argue with logic like that.

Soup or salad?

Erin N.
Reply to  Ken Caudill
12 years ago

Missed the point, did we? If you were a manager or a CEO and someone came to you, looking for a job, but stated they were not interested one iota in helping your business, but instead wanted to destroy it, would you hire them? Essentially, the campaign in which we find ourselves entrenched is one long, tedious job interview, and Ron Paul wants to destroy the “company” with whom he is interviewing. It’s senseless, and so is Ron Paul.

Reply to  Erin N.
12 years ago

First time on this site. Last time, mainly because of this Erin bitch. If you didn’t have such a demeaning tone and a bitchy attitude, people might actually care to read what you write. And you might have friends.

but.. who needs friends when you have this super-cool forum, right?

… right?

Mary Fox
12 years ago

Erin is correct. Ron Paul may look grandfatherly and nerdy enough for many Progressives who are too busy to do the research to make a rash decision in voting for him. He is clearly a man who like to appear to redesign himself so that he looks marketable. He is a favorite of the John Birch Society!

Boston Nellie
12 years ago

Ron Paul has been in Washington ,since 1979…. He has been there longer than Newt for crying out loud. He IS the Washington insider he says we need to get rid of… In Pauls case ,Lights on … No one is home!!!

Erin N.
Reply to  Boston Nellie
12 years ago

You’re sure it’s not 1879?

12 years ago

I seem to remember this thing called congress. Oh, and this other thing called Checks and Balances. it seems that “Erin” should brush up on some school and realize that the potus can only do so much, especially without the backing of congress.
maybe a little less underwater basket weaving is in order, it seems you must be weaving in water that can be lit on fire. yeah, you can look that one up, “erin”.

Erin N.
Reply to  Aaronisaboysname
12 years ago

Oh aren’t you adorable! Look what you did there-you made your fake screen name to try and insult me, and you couldn’t even spell that correctly. Poor thing! You put my real name in quotations…is that because your tinfoil hat makes you believe everything is a conspiracy?

Here, I’ll use really small words. Ron Paul wants to end the federal government. Congress wants to end the federal government. So, if TeaPublicans remain in power in the House (that’s another word for Congress), he may get exactly what he wants. Now, when the current Congress cock blocks everything President Obama wants to do , I bet you don’t come to his defense, do ya, Pookie?

Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1]
Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.
An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or “projecting,” those same faults onto another person or object.

12 years ago

Really? C’mon sheeple.. And the potus is ‘improving’ our country?

Erin N.
Reply to  N8VPRYD
12 years ago

If you can argue why Ron Paul would be a good president after researching the truth in every single thing I wrote, go for it. But don’t just throw make believe words out there and insult President Obama. I will debate facts with anyone, but not mindless insults.

Reply to  Erin N.
12 years ago

Erin, As the chairperson of the UBWRPA (Underwater Basket Weavers for Ron Paul), I feel compelled to respond.

Ron Paul is kinda hard to understand if you don’t understand Libertarianism and a Free Market Economy. You note yourself, “Ron Paul finished a close third in Iowa yesterday, and I have no idea why.” I really hope you take the time to watch at least one of these videos, given that I have taken the time to read your article and compose this response. I don’t care if you end up thinking Ron’s still out there…but you’ll understand why people support him. It’s not because he’ll legalize drugs, but because he’ll get the federal government out of our business (see NDDA, SOPA, USA PATRIOT Act).

I can’t do Milton Friedman justice, so here are a few responses to your queries based on Ron Paul’s ideals. Pls don’t ding them for the awesome 80’s music:

[Drug Legalization]


[Goverment Regulation]


[Capitalism – Not Corporatism which is what we have now]


[If you have gotten this far and you have some time]


Reply to  Erin N.
12 years ago

Wow, you have all these claims. He does not say legalize all drugs he says there needs to be no federal laws. The state governments are who need to make these laws. The federal government does not make laws for rape and murder etc., its the states and it should be no diff. Public school systems should also be ran by the states and not standardized by the federal government. Why do so many people think the federal government knows best? Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am not even going to get into the federal reserve and how its not even part of the government despite its name. I wish people would actually take a moment and pay attention to what is being said and stop spewing out false information due to lack of understanding.

Reply to  Erin N.
12 years ago

haha ron paul is the only thing that can save us from being a bunch of fucking commies , i dont need the fuckin government not to tell me to use meth RON PAUL 2012 MUTHA FUCKASSS

Reply to  N8VPRYD
12 years ago

I’ll take Obama over Ron Paul any day. Do away with government programs? What a complete idiot!! Ron Paul is a racist pig who deserves to be from Texas. They grow ’em big there..big, dumb and dangerous.

Erin N.
Reply to  Professor Mike
12 years ago

A flipping MEN!

12 years ago

Erin, as I read your article I kept searching for the “like” button for comment after comment. . . he’s scary dangerous. His nutty professor demeanor is not enough to conceal the ideologically crazy persona. Like Jon Stewart said about Santorum – applies here . . . “get the fuck outa here!”

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