Rush Limbaugh, foreign traveler and amateur pharmacist

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Does everyone remember when Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a “media slut?” He was suspended and had to make numerous public apologies, including one on his own show. He was embarrassed and honestly contrite. At no time during his diatribe, however, did Mr. Schultz suggest that Ms Ingraham was an actual prostitute.

Let’s skip over to the other side of the fence, shall we? Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh, called Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute” for daring to need birth control. Limbaugh stated to his estimated 15 MILLION listeners that Ms. Fluke is having so much sex, she wants the American taxpayer to pay for her contraception, therefore she is a whore.

In a world unpopulated by ignoramuses and sexist pigs, that comment would have gotten Limbaugh fired, fined or at least dragged into a board room and kicked around. He would have had to apologize, formally, to Sandra Fluke, America at large and his listeners. But in Rush’s world, not only did he not have to do ANY of those things, he got back on the radio today, and said this:

“A Georgetown coed told Nancy Pelosi’s hearing that women in her law school are having so much sex they’re going broke, so you and I should have to pay for their birth control. So what would you call that? I call it what it is. So, I’m offering a compromise today: I will buy all of the women at Georgetown University as much aspirin to put between their knees as they want.”

By the way, Sandra Fluke didn’t testify about that, she testified about a friend who had to have an ovary removed because she was unable to purchase birth control pills that kept ovarian cysts at bay. But wait, there’s a little more.

“So, Miss Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraception and thus pay you to have sex, we want something. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.”

Now, normally, this comment would boggle the mind. Why is Rush Limbaugh such a filthy, disgusting old man? Well, kids, he has been for a very long time.

In 2006, Limbaugh was detained by DEA agents at The Palm Beach International Airport. He was returning on a private plane from the Dominican Republic, and had in his possession, a bottle of Viagra not prescribed to him. Rush was traveling with other men, and joked on his radio program that he had a “great time” and wished he could tell people about it. What could possibly have happened in the Dominican Republic that Limbaugh would not want to share with his 15 million listeners? It’s not like he’s the master of holding anything back.

Sex tourism is a multimillion dollar, world wide epidemic. Several countries are considered preferred destinations for sex tourists, including Brazil, Thailand and the Dominican Republic. One of the main destinations for female sex tourism is the Caribbean, led by Jamaica, Barbados and the Dominican Republic.

So, why would Rush Limbaugh, conservative four-time married former opiate addict go to one of the main destinations for female sex tourism with a bottle of illegal Viagra and a plane filled with other guys? Gosh, it couldn’t be because he bought women, women who were sold into sexual slavery, women who may have been as young as 10, right? If all he did was lay around on the beach, drinking mojitos, why won’t he tell his listeners about his fun filled vacation to one of the most popular destinations on Earth for sex tourism?

I hope Sandra Fluke is talking to a few really good lawyers about suing Limbaugh for slander. I hope Clear Channel gets their collective shit together and FIRES HIM. And I really hope someday, the details of Limbaugh’s jaunt to the Dominican Republic come to light.

Now, can someone explain to me how a man can be married four times (once to an usherette) and not have any children? Birth control? Nah…

Thanks to Huffington Post, Child and Wikipedia for information used in this article.

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Erin Nanasi

Erin Nanasi is an avid underwater basket weaver, with a penchant for satire and the odd wombat reference.
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11 years ago

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11 years ago

[…] more… [show/hide references]The religion of Rush Limbaugh, talk radio host. Adherents. [↩]Rush Limbaugh, foreign traveler and amateur pharmacist. Mad Mike’s America. [↩]Rush Limbaugh Arrested on Drug Charges. CBS News. [↩]UM […]

12 years ago

We watched her testimony. I think Rachel Maddow is right-Limp Balls has no idea how birth control actually works. This is Erin, I’m using Jim’s laptop. Which I hate.

Annie Whitcomb
12 years ago

I don’t see any of the forums bringing up the fact that Sandra Fluke and all the other insured students at Georgetown have to pay ALL of their own insurance premiums, it is not subsidized by the school whatsoever, no taxes are paying for their insurance. How does ‘Limp Bough’ feel HE is paying for it. The school is against them having birth control based on religious grounds. There is an 11 min 2 second video on youtube of Sandra’s entire testimony. It seems almost none of the commenters on most sites have even listened to it. They seem to be getting their ‘news’ from Rush’s rantings. So stupidly sad, really. 🙁

12 years ago

To contact companies advertising on Limbaugh’s show, go to:

E.A. Blair
12 years ago

Now, can someone explain to me how there can be, not one, but four women willing to fuck Ruch Limbaugh?

Annie Whitcomb
Reply to  E.A. Blair
12 years ago

For money most likely, until they probably decided no amount of money was worth the revulsion.

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