Ten idiotic reasons why Christianity is superior

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Ah, lists.  They are so often written with complete sincerity, with the author seeming to believe that a few lines will convince anyone of their point.  They appear to believe that by using a series of numbers or bullets that their stated reasons will be built up into an insurmountable wall of truth.

Then, after taking so much time to compile their compelling reasons, some asshole such as myself comes along to burn the whole thing to the ground while dancing upon its ashes and laughing maniacally the whole time.

My current target is entitled “Ten Reasons Why Christianity is Superior to any Other Religion“.  When I saw the title I knew I had a winner and it certainly did not disappoint.

1. Christianity is the only religion in which God reaches out to man. All other religions are attempts by man to reach up to God.

Apparently, no other religion ever claims to be divinely inspired by this god person.  All the others were just written by ignorant humans trying to understand the world around them through allegory and myth.  But not Christianity!  God specifically took time out of his busy day to talk to them directly and anyone else hearing god’s voice is just schizophrenic or are hearing the devil.  And they know this because their book tells them so of course!  Just like god did for the Judaic peoples, and the Muslims, and the Hindi, and the Janis, and the….

2. Christianity is the only religion that fully deals with sin because of Christ’s atoning work on the Cross.

And what great work it was.  I was really impressed by his ability to bleed profusely as he slowly suffocated.  As god knows, nothing makes up for the actions of millions like crazy people’s blood.  So next time you feel horrible for stealing a candy bar, just bath in the blood of that hobo on the corner who hears god through his shoe and all will be amended!

3. Christianity is the only religion that allows followers into the presence of the Father.

We get to go to heaven and you don’t!  Ha-ha you stupid heathens!  What, the other religions often have some sort of heaven as well?  Well they aren’t the real heaven.  Ours is better and has a super cool club house that you aren’t allowed inside.  We have a slide and a tire swing and the Virgin Mary bakes us cookies every day!

4. Christianity is the only religion that offers its followers true assurance of salvation because our salvation is based upon Christ’s works, not our own.

So don’t worry about that prostitute rotting in your basement or the altar boys you ‘blessed with your holy water’, as long as you say the magic words Jesus will vouch for you!

5. Christianity is the only religion in which the Holy Spirit is promised to us, and dwells in us.

So, this Holy Spirit is some kind of eldritch horror that is implanted within us on the day of conversion and feeds off our intellect?

6. Christianity is the only religion in the world where its leader is the judge of all mankind.

Because Christianity is the only religion that thinks it holds the secrets to the universe and all of humanity must bow before its wisdom.  It is as if this person thinks Christianity is the only Bond villain to try and take over the world.

7. Christianity is the only religion in which our leader was raised from the dead.

Am I the only one who thinks that Christianity is the hipster of religions?  They are constantly going on about how they were into zombies before it was cool.  Thankfully due to the internet and lax gun laws, if Jesus ever rises forth once more to feast upon our brains he will discover a legion of fanatical George A. Romero fans ready to stop him.

8. Christianity is the only religion in which death is truly conquered.

And what a glorious battle it was! Hundreds fell before Death’s scythe, but even the mighty reaper was no match for for Jesus’ mighty Kung Fu!

9. Christianity is the only religion in which it’s leader was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life according to God’s Law, and fulfilled countless Old Testament prophecies.

So Jesus is the result of holy parthenogenesis? Does this make Mary some kind of divine Komodo Dragon, because I would could totally get behind a sacred monitor lizard.

10. All the leaders of every other religion, need Christ as their Savior as well as their followers.

Translation: I ran out of ideas but still wanted to tell the followers of all other religions to suck it.  Such a classy and logical way to end such a wonderfully stimulating and well thought out list.

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About Post Author

Carol Bell

Carol is a graduate of the University of Alabama. Her passion is journalism and it shows. Carol is our unpaid, but very efficient, administrative secretary.
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11 years ago

I made a mistake it is Rev. Rick Warren that I think is actually copying Jesus’ style a bit. I have two favorite websites and by changing the website I think the blog generated an extra “e” to my name

RichardKane in Philly PA

11 years ago

Jesus said things that seems to me to involve deep thought in a casual spur of the moment way like it rains on the good and the bad alike. He clearly believed in having healing ability, and urged others to heal as well. What ever Jesus was trying to convey bowing ones head and praying for an hour or two doesn’t seem to me to convey what Jesus was involved in. It seems to me that the Mennonites try copy what Jesus said more than most. And Pastor Jeff Warner is actually in a small way trying to heal the world a little like Jesus taught. Google,what kind of Christianity is this. I am a little fascinated that everyone who wrote anything down for over a hundred years believed Jesus could preform miracles but I am violating the spirit of the above blog post in a less then helpful way if I don’t wonder if Buddha didn’t accomplish more in getting people to get along. In any case Jesus didn’t rub things in and I doubt if Jesus would ask those trying to follow him to do so either.

12 years ago

What about Osiris? He was killed, but was brought back to life, and even fathered a son on Isis after his death. Also as the god of the underworld he is the judge of all the dead. Considering that Christianity is basically a hodge-podge of borrowed traditions from multiple pagan sources, I’m somehow failing to see the superiority as touted above. Anyway, I do realize that the author is engaging in a certain amount of satire/irony, so thought I would play along. Peace.

12 years ago

It should be titled, “Proof Christians are Nuts”.

12 years ago

Virgin Mary cookies? I’m IN!

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