The Nazis Never Really Went Away

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The European Union elections of 2014 have shown beyond any shadow of doubt that the Nazis, long thought defeated in WWII, are back and in force.


Failure to acknowledge this plain fact is akin to behaving like an Ostrich.

It is some small consolation that Britain’s own neo-Nazis the British National Party (BNP) lost their only Member of the European Parliament (MEP) BNP leader Nick Griffin. The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) whilst more right wing than left or centre had a massive success in the European elections.

Looking to Europe, Front Nacional (France), The National Democratic Party (Germany), Golden Dawn (Greece), Finns (Finland), Danish Peoples party (Denmark), Party For Freedom (Netherlands), Jobbik (Hungary), Austrian Freedom (Austria) and Lega Nord (Italy) all now have MEP’s in the European Parliament.

Front Nacional’s founder Jean Marie Le Pen is on record for calling the WWII Nazi gas chambers a ‘small detail’ and recently suggested that “Monseigneur Ebola” could sort out Europe’s immigration issue.

The German NDP insist Europe is “a continent for white people”

Greece’s Golden Dawn have a spokesman with a swastika tattoo and ran a Greek election campaign saying of immigrants “So we can rid our land of this filth”.

A Finn’s MP was recently fined for anti-Islamic comments, although, that apart, they seem, perhaps the most moderate of these neo-Nazi parties.

Denmark’s DPP stated that if Sweden want to turn Malmo and Stockholm into a Scandinavian Beirut by allowing in so many Islamic immigrants then they would barricade the Oresund bridge which joins the two countries.

There is a serious and substantial rise in Nazi style politics all over Europe – with Britain being one of the few exceptions. Whilst the British are beginning to lean far more to the ‘right’ Naziism would always be a step too far.

Europe’s far right are beginning to make an impact in the politics of Europe – and we all know what happened the last time don’t we? Hungary’s ‘Jobik’ party want all Hungarian Jews to register that they are Jewish. Ring any bells?

Why is this happening you may well ask?

It’s extraordinarily simple.

Throughout much of Europe, including Great Britain, mass immigration has occurred. Now this mass immigration has not necessarily been Polish people coming to Britain or Lithuanian people going to Germany which, in and of itself would not generally cause a problem providing the numbers were sensibly controlled, it is the mass immigration from countries whose entire way of life and culture are virtually anathema and incredibly alien to their adopted countries.

Whilst there are thousands of exceptions, a massive number of these immigrants from, say, somewhere in Asia or Africa, have arrived on the shores of various European countries (assuming said countries aren’t land locked of course) and set up home. Unfortunately they have attempted to ‘live’ as they did in their own countries, paying little or no attention to the cultures and lifestyles and general behaviour of those native to the countries in question.

When there are but a few immigrants in this category they are considered ‘odd’ or even eccentric by the indigenous population but when the numbers of these immigrants supplants the indigenous population in a particular town or area then they are no longer ‘odd’ nor ‘eccentric’ but a ‘threat’.

That is human nature and that is why an increasing number of indigenous people across Europe are moving towards the far right policies of the neo-Nazis who appear to be the only politicians who will acknowledge these real concerns and fears.

Mainstream politicians are either too afraid of being shouted down as racist or are actually oblivious to the disaster they are blithely sailing towards due to their commitment to multi-cultural / multi-racial nirvana’s that will be forever out of their grasp.

It is a simplistic statement to say a poor economy and unemployment in Germany was the entire reason for the rise and success of the Nazis in the 30’s but it was certainly a major factor. People needed hope and someone to blame for their predicament. The Nazis gave hope and by pointing the finger at Jewish immigrants or descendants of Jewish immigrants, a scapegoat for the countries ills was duly found at an unimaginable cost to said Jewish people.

“We remember the holocaust to ensure it can never happen again”

Greece is in economic turmoil. France has immigrant ‘ghettos’ where crime proliferates. Need I go on?

The ‘people’ want hope and someone to blame.

I’m getting an alarming sense of deja vu, aren’t you?

Why should American readers care what is happening in Europe?

A lot of Americans died in Europe fighting Nazi tyranny in WWII. That should be reason enough to care.

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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9 years ago

You conveniently forget the 2 million Brits that live in other EU countries.

Bill Formby
Reply to  Anonymous
9 years ago

Nope. I did not forget them. They are, like most of the rest of the European White People, interchangeable. Hell, in the 9th and 10th centuries it was not clear exactly who owned Britain or France. They sort of change it around as they pleased by marriage, wars, gifts or inheritance.

Reply to  Anonymous
9 years ago

The ‘British colony’ in Spain I am a little ashamed of actually. They’ve moved to the warmer climes but instead of embracing Spanish culture and lifestyles many have created ‘Essex’ on the ‘Costa del sol’.

Shameful and very rude to their hosts I think.

Bill Formby
9 years ago

Norman, you are truly walking on the razor blade my friend and you are correct. In this world the countries were, for the most part, made up of homogeneous populations until the 17th and 18th centuries when global exploration began in earnest. By that time Europeans had found the “New World” and had began to exploit it as well as the “Dark Continent.” Most of Asia was already known about because of trading but there was no real interacting of the peoples. Homogeneous populations tend to have few problems interacting and resolving problems. People tend to be born into their lot in life and it is accepted. It is usually when outsiders, or those who are not a part of that population come in that problems begin to rise. For the most part people from other lands move to another country for one of two reasons. They are seeking economic opportunity or they are seeking an escape from some type of oppression. They are never seeking a total escape from their culture or wishing to join the culture of the new nation fully. They want bits and pieces of it but not the basics of it. Thus, when you get Arabs moving to England, France, Greece, or America they want the economic prosperity and perhaps the freedom they get there but they still want their Arab culture and Muslim religion. It is within this context that the European countries have been their own worst enemies. While exploring world and conquering countries they have shown other peoples a different and freer way of life. They have even colonized some of those countries and taken their way of life and paraded it before these people as the British did in South Africa and India. As these lands were colonized they became subjects of the King or Queen and began to travel to and from England with their stories of the good life. America, striving to grow bought slaves from Africa in cooperation with the Dutch and used them on plantations much like farm animals, which of course, they were not. They also sent out word that there was room for much more. They brought in the Chinese who worked on the railroads. Much the same was happening in other parts of Europe, whites using what they saw as inferior people to do the work to build their countries. By the end of the 19th century most all of the European nation and America were fully on their way to being integrated. Into the twentieth century when oil became a critical commodity we started trading with various Arab countries and they saw the life style we in the West lived, they liked it, so they came in droves. We did not reject them because we liked their oil. So here we are. The only way to stop this now is to stop allowing those we deem unsavory to immigrate and allow time for those currently in this country assimilate into our cultures. Maybe 3 or 4 generations. In any event, they came because we welcomed them, and our freedoms allowed them to live as they please as long as they are not harming anyone else. So the Nazi Parties, under any other name, can only sit and wait, unless, of course, they want another holocaust.

Reply to  Bill Formby
9 years ago

You’ve hit the proverbial nail old bean. As for the razor blade….I think I ‘nicked’ myself there…;-)

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