The Continuing Islamification of the United Kingdom

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My neighbours are ‘westernized’ Muslims. The parents moved here and set about ‘fitting in’. That was the right thing to do. It wasn’t for us to ‘fit in’ with them.

by Michael John Scott

That isn’t to say they had to entirely change their faith or culture – that would be an unreasonable expectation – it just meant it was a one-way street.

It was for them to ensure neither their faith or culture was intrusive on us. They achieved that quite easily and, as a result, are valued neighbours.

Sadly, in Britain, the liberal drive for multi-culturalism is allowing immigrants to bring their ‘ways’ to Britain without regard for ‘British values’ or ‘British ways’.

This is causing a great deal of frustration to British people and particularly in regard to Islam.

Recently the Chairman of the Board of Governors of a junior school – a Muslim man – resigned his position.

Read: Why Controlled Immigration is Destroying Britain’s Infrastructure

He did so as his pronouncement that Muslim children – little girls under 10 – should not be made to wear headscarves brought an angry response from Muslim parents.

He believes that allowing Muslim children born in Britain – in the west – to grow up with western values will allow them to more easily better themselves as they grow to adulthood.

I like the cut of his jib.

Unfortunately, most of the school’s Muslim parents objected. A bit of a kerfuffle ensued and he felt obliged to resign.

The purpose of Muslim women wearing a headscarf is modesty. In other words to help prevent men feeling sexual desires for them.

Girls under 10? Need I say more?

Increasingly Muslims are calling for the right to pray at set times through the day. Employers are rightly standing firm and saying ‘no’ – and long may that stance continue.

On a virtually monthly basis, one Islamic faith school after another is found to be educating children that ‘Islamic law’ always takes precedence.

Going years back to my airport union rep days. No sooner did I become the union Convenor than Muslim union members began demanding a ‘prayer room’.

Read: On Immigration: Feed the Rich, Starve Everyone Else 

I negotiated a ‘contemplation room’ they could use for privacy whilst praying. They expressed their displeasure that the room was for all who needed a private moment.

Perhaps someone who had suffered a bereavement and needed a few minutes alone. Perhaps someone who had to work on a Sunday but was a devout Christian. They could use the room for a few minutes as the Muslims could.

They were angry. It should be THEIR room and nobody else’s.

I diplomatically told them to ‘piss off’ and was promptly accused of Islamophobia.

In my hometown, throughout the day, Muslim men wander about – clearly not working. Probably on benefits.

“We can’t work!” They cry, “employers won’t let us pray when we need to!”

Our liberal elite has caused this.

Their determination to force multi-culturalism down the throat of anyone who disagrees.

They consider anyone who disagrees a right-wing racist. They want to shove their worldview down the throats of right-wing racists – and we’re all right-wing racists as we disagree.

As a result, conservative Muslims believe we should be kowtowing to them. One day, they believe, they will hold the upper hand. One day, they can have their Islamic theocracy right here in Britain.

Thanks, British liberals.

Thanks for that.

Incidentally, radio broadcaster James O’Brien from Britain’s LBC (Leading Britain’s Conversation) – a man who is an unashamed left-wing liberal – has, this morning, held a phone in regarding the junior school mentioned above.

He has described the school authority as cowards for backing down.

Hey! I’m on board with the liberals here! 😀

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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Bill Formby
6 years ago

Damn, did someone just fall out of their chair. Let it all hang out. I figure I will be dead and gone before the whole world comes apart anyway. PEOPLE! You buy them books, send them to school, but all the learn is how to ruin the written word that it took thousands of years to perfect. do u git me. rotflmao wile u tri 2 figir it ot.

Reply to  Bill Formby
6 years ago

LOL! I lived in S. Georgia Bill. I get it.

M Bates
6 years ago

I don’t get it. Neil is talking about a very serious subject and Jess and Bobbie talk about housework. No respect.

Reply to  M Bates
6 years ago

Go fuck yourself. I said I could not come up with anything, Bobbie mentioned heavy lifting so I replied to BOBBIE about my cleaning lady, not Neil. If anyone should be upset it should be Neil and I don’t see him being upset, so once again, go fuck yourself. Don’t make me repeat myself, you fucking twatwaffle.

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

ROFL!! “Twatwaffle?” LOL. Can’t stop laughing.

Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

Then my day on the internet is finished, I have done my job and I made you laugh 😉

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

After 33 years of marriage I’m the cleaning lady 😂😂😂😂

Secret of us going 33 years? Two little words –

“Yes dear” 😀

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Hey, next month would have been our 11th anniversary, so a third of you guys and he learned early too, that yes dear was the appropriate response to anything out of my mouth 😉

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

All the love and hugs in the world xxx

M Bates
6 years ago

What do you know Neil, plenty that’s what.

6 years ago

I don’t even know where to start with this one Neil, so I am going to let some other magnificent bastards do it for me.

Bobbie Peel
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

I’m usually pretty good at cleaning up garbage, but too much heavy lifting with this one.

Reply to  Bobbie Peel
6 years ago

I have a cleaning lady that does all my stuff for me, because I am lazy af. I try saying it’s because I am helping the small business owner my mom paid but it’s not, I have just been lazy af these past few months.

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

I also have a cleaning lady. Every third week she comes in and does all the stuff I don’t want to do. She happens to be Muslim but loves my dogs.

Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

Dammit Mike, you are showing NO RESPECT to Neil. He’s like the Rodney Dangerfield of the Mad house, what the hell is wrong with you, talking about cleaning ladies. You might get a stern reply from an asshole, that needs to learn to stay in his or her own lane.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂….tummy hurting…..😂😂😂😂😂😂

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

LOL! Poor misguided Neil. He tries and tries and tries, but we love him anyway, for he is truly a man of the people.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Bobbie Peel
6 years ago

Ok, so my view here happened to be seconded quite inadvertently by a staunch and proud liberal radio broadcaster.

Clearly, as I stated, any view not in tune with many liberals – (and, in Britain, increasingly liberals are saying ‘oops’ regarding this sort of thing) – makes you an Islamophobic racist Nazi.

You believe that then try living in Iran or Pakistan or Saudi Arabia the way you live in the west and see what that gets you.

Stoned to death most likely.

Still. I just live here so what do I know eh?

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

I found some words that were hiding out. As a person of color, you and I will probably not agree on issues when it comes to immigrants at all. Back in my family make up, they are from India, they are from Guatemala, Puerto Rican but they are American citizens, some black etc. I was raised by a white man and a half Japanese, half white woman that showed me all ALL people, no matter where they come from are just as important as others and should be accepted for who they are. How do you know all those men in your hometown don’t work, have you spoken to all of them? What about all those Muslim men that are in other areas, have you spoken to them. yeah didn’t think so. You only like the cut of someone’s jib because they agree with you about Muslims in Britain. No one is forcing anything down anyone’s throat Neil, what they are saying is intolerance for “the other” will not be tolerated anymore, there is a HUGE difference.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

I’m talking about a specific group – and a minority of said group, albeit significant – Islam is causing difficulties in Britain.

We didn’t make the difficulties, some of them did.

Color is immaterial.

As even British liberals are finally seeing it then it ain’t on me 😘

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Ok then, we will take all the color out of it for this exercise. Christianity does the same thing, with all the wants they have and you don’t see people rushing to judgement on them do you, so why single out one religion when it’s all of them Charlie? There is a Christian minority that want to do away with secular teaching and they are loud and obnoxious regarding “teh gheyz”, women having choice etc etc. Some that follow the tenets of Judaism that are way to the right, want it to be that men do not mingle with women at any time coz we’re icky, wily temptresses, they want control of secular society, only their views matter etc. Religious extremists, all of them Katie, are a scourge on society.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

In Britain Islam is a problem. It isn’t singling them out.

Sikhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism etc et am no problem

The only faith regularly causing problems is Islam.

Way it is right now.

All other faiths and cultures have managed to integrate into British society to varying but clear amounts of success.

Islam hasn’t.

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Look into the Christian Institute that is taking its cues from the right wing religious nutjobs here and what they are trying to do over there. It is on the EXACT same path our talibangelicals were a couple of decades ago and our religious nutjobs are helping fund it. I’ve read a lot about religious extremists doing things worldwide that are just as bad and sometimes worse than our homegrown ones. You cannot single out one religion, you just cannot because they are all doing it to different degrees.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Bobbie Peel
6 years ago

‘Too much heavy lifting’?

Loose translation : “I dare not acknowledge this, I’m a liberal. I dare not debate this, I’ll lose”

You on a junior school’s board of governors by any chance? 😜

Bobbie Peel
Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

You don’t believe half the stuff you post, you just do it to get a reaction out of people that care about the issues.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Bobbie Peel
6 years ago

I believe everything I write. A reaction is good.

I learn from reactions. Whether my view changes or not, I learn.

I write / say what I think.

There is never an intention to offend but if I’m nothing else I’m honest in my opinions and am never ashamed of them.

I am me – for better or worse.

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Oh come on Neil, you are WAY better than this petty neener neener neener bullshit, you know you are.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Yeah but I can’t resist winding people up….Soz. 😘

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Nancy Reagan said it best many decades ago, JUST SAY NO, Neil, Just Say No. You will find a more receptive audience if you stop “winding people up” just because.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

oh all right then…(pout)

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Yeah, now go to your room. No vodka or beer for you for a week. Don’t make me come over there 🙂

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