‘Is Trump Still Sane?’ Scream World Headlines

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The world over people are asking the question: Is Trump still sane? Americans should be asking the same question.

by Glenn R. Geist

Another day in the bubble. It’s been much colder than usual in South Florida, which of course prompts the local paper to run a snickering cartoon where the snowman is at the door asking about global warming.

An imperfect but ever more perfectible storm of damnation is bearing down on Washington, which prompts accusations in the same paper that “liberals” and “lefties” are crying wolf about Trump and soon no one will believe them.

There is truly nothing here that would prompt doubt, that wouldn’t elicit angry support and denunciation of truth and data and common decency. The bubble has no windows, the bubble has no exit.

Ist Donald Trump noch zurechnungsfähig?

Asks the headline in Germany’s most respected conservative paper; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Is Trump still sane?”

The Times of London only tells us that a “top aide” is questioning his mental health, but if this were anyone else, or that paper wasn’t owned by Rupert Murdoch there would be no question marks, no dismissive comments about “lefties” or “liberals.” Might we see J’accuse…! once again, after 120 years, almost to the day?

The Trump Bubble is a place without concern for consequences, either by supporters or by the so-called fake and failing president. If two-thirds of Americans think he’s a thief, money launderer, extortionist, rapist with sociopathic and paranoid personality traits [who can’t give you the time of day without lying] and sells our foreign policy to buy votes, somehow it doesn’t seem to matter.

His title is still useful to those who not only pull the strings but own them. So he endures and lashes out with impunity against the enemies he hallucinates. That enemy is truth. That enemy is us and of course, he’s not sane by any common sense of the word.

He’s vastly more dangerous than any madman could be these days but we’re encouraged not to care, encouraged to deny, to suspend judgment. to forget about our future, our quality of life and even our likelihood or survival as a free and prosperous nation.

The recycling truck comes today. I think the newspaper will be in the bin. 

About Post Author

Glenn Geist

Glenn Geist lives in South Florida and wastes most of his time boating, writing, complaining and talking on the radio
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Red Diver
6 years ago

Crazy as a bedbug. Whatever that means.

Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Nope. Nutty as a fruitcake.

Peter Millcraft
6 years ago

Good use of contemporary headlines to illustrate a valid point. All scares the shit out of me.

Mark Willis
6 years ago

I also don’t see a reason to hope. Each day brings a new nightmare.

6 years ago

Sane? Was he ever sane? Not since I can remember. This guy is a dangerous nutter and the quicker he falls off the world stage the better for all of us.

Glenn R. Geist
6 years ago

I see no reason to hope. The Right Wing Media have stripped words of meaning and nothing means much any more. Concepts like shame or guilt have gone, leaving words like embarrassment equally meaningless. We use words like tribal emblems and totems to show our tribal origins – yes, I hate Hillary. Yes, I don’t want safety in the workplace, I don’t want clean air and water and I just hate foreigners and love the hell out of guns – therefore I’m a PATRIOT and a CONSERVATIVE! Hillary’s emails! Lock her up!

And those who wave little flags of Liberal obsessions and shibboleths, distortions and distractions don’t help either. We hate white people, they’re all racists and murderers and men are all rapists and perverts. . .

As the handwriting on the wall once said, we’ve been counted up, measured out and divided into little pieces. We don’t have the will, the ability or the intelligence. We don’t have the honesty to survive. Does the word hope still mean anything?

6 years ago

how more embarrassed could we get? how many more times will the world look at us through pitying eyes before something is done? is there any hope glenn? really? if so, what is it? i desperately need hope.

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