No Warning For West Coast In Event Of Horrific Natural Disasters

Someday, the West Coast will, out of nowhere, have a very bad day. Perhaps the ground will split open across 180 miles, from Los Angeles to the Salton Sea, in the worst local upheaval in more than 150 years. Or perhaps the 600-mile-long scar off the coast of Washington, where a hunk of crust called the…

Why #MeToo Movement Should Be Named #YouToo

The problem with social movements is they may move too far, or not far enough.  If you ask the dozens or so men who have now lost their careers and, in some cases, their very livelihoods following sexual harassment or abuse allegations, they might opt for the former.

How A Meteorite and Volcanoes Worked Together to Wipe Out Dinosaurs

New evidence suggests that both a meteorite and massive volcano eruptions worked together to wipe out the dinosaurs. An apocalyptic impact Dinosaurs ruled the planet for over a hundred million years, but their reign came to an abrupt end some 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous. The most popular theory, and the…

Is Scott Pruitt The Most Dangerous Member Of Trump’s Cabinet?

For someone whose entire political career has been built on an animosity to Washington, D.C., Scott Pruitt certainly appears to have enjoyed the past 12 months of federal employ. He has been to Morocco, where he shilled American natural gas. There was also a trip to a golf resort in Naples, Florida, for a meeting of…