Buckle Up When Trump Is Flying the Plane

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by David P. Greenberg

So, a guy asks me today, “You’re a Jew. Why don’t you like it that Trump moved the Embassy?” He went on to tell me how it was settled law a long time ago, and how we’ve given the Palestinians 70-years to make peace in the Middle East, all on “our dime,” and that all Trump has done was to tell them, time’s up.

I answered him, but it got me thinking. One of the multitudes of things that bother me about Trump is his motivations. See, if he were really doing it to spur peace in the Middle East, I might welcome it. But that’s not why he’s doing it.

He’s partly doing it to appease his insane clown posse – the Evangelical Right. See, the Evangelicals believe that they’ll all be “Raptured” just before the cataclysm. Armageddon. They also believe that you, me, and everybody who’s not a tin-hat nutjob, will not only not be Raptured, but will endure the torments of Hell on Earth. And they’re OK with that. But according to some tongue-babbler, all this shit is supposed to go down in Israel, and it’s supposed to happen after Trump moves the fuckin’ Embassy. So, when you think it through, Trump did this to expedite the end of the world.

Read: I Weep For You America

But that’s only half the picture. Here’s me driving home from getting white rice, chicken broth, and eggs for Jack – the poor little guy has a touch of the Pleurisy. I’m thinking. I think, suppose you’re a kid at an air show. One of the pilots says “Hey, kid? Ya wanna go up?”

So you’re flying along. The guy does a couple of barrel-rolls, a couple of dives, then says, “Here kid. Take the stick.” Now, your only goal is to keep the plane from crashing. You’re keeping that thing as straight and as steady as you possibly can, sweatin’ bullets the whole time.

Trump grabs the stick and says, “I’ll show you how to fly a fuckin’ plane!” and crashes it into a mountain.

For 70-years, right or wrong, we’ve managed to keep the “Plane of State,” flying straight and steady, vis-a-vis Israel. Now, Trump has grabbed the stick.

Do you get my point?

About Post Author

David P. Greenberg

An active Food Christian, a fighter and a renegade author, I've worked everywhere and done everything. In 2006 I was diagnosed with type II Diabetes. I created a diet and exercise program, and am now, free of the disease. It is my hope to be able to help others achieve the same.
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6 years ago

Damnit. “Why do you think they call it ‘War[?]'” It’s bedtime. Oh, and thanks a hell of a lot, Grammarly.

6 years ago

Folks, I know you’re all racism and bigotry free and liberal as all hell – and would never assume that a 5th generation American Jew would somehow feel allegiance to Israel rather than to the United States. Right?
Apocalyptic religions are dangerous as they ALWAYS seek to make their prophecies real even if and perhaps especially if everybody dies in the process. Trump isn’t one of those, but he knows how to use them.

The invention of the Rapture was quite recent. It’s a sales device to sell destruction by promising those who cooperate a get out of hell free card. Don’t try to use it folks – you can’t if you’re dead.

Reply to  Glenn Geist
6 years ago

You are right about the rapture being a recent invention. I’m getting rather long in the tooth and I hadn’t heard of such craziness until about 10-20 years ago, except in relation to the Bible’s “Revelations,” which I enjoyed reading because it was fun.

Reply to  Glenn Geist
6 years ago

I feel an allegiance to Israel, while at the same time, recognizing that their hands aren’t clean in this war, either. One of my “things” is Sand Creek, Colorado. As you are probably aware, Sand Creek was the sight of a brutal and savage Indian massacre. Without going into all the gory details, A village of peaceful Southern Cheyenne – who had already signed a treaty, and were displaying the Stars and Stripes – were slaughtered by a group of Volunteers, under the command of John Chivington. It would become the centerpiece in a ’70s era film, “Soldier Blue.”

My wife and I went out there, to survey the site. Before we left, she read two books on the subject. One from the Native perspective, and one from the Military. After reading the second book, she came to me and said, “You know? The Indians did horrible things to the Settlers, too.”

My reply was, “Why do you think they called it ‘War.'”

Israel has done some atrocities to Palestinians, and I cannot defend those.

Your point is valid, however. Yes, the region is a danger to the rest of the world – as well as itself. Peace in the Mideast is a requisite for peace throughout the world. Which is why I would feel much better, knowing that people with what can at least pass for brains are working on the problem.

My issue is that Trump sells people out. That’s who he is, that’s what he does. He sold us out to a handful of crazed Evangelicals because he honestly believes that they – not Gerrymandering, propaganda, the Ruskies, and voter suppression – won him the Former White House.

Neil Bamforth
6 years ago

Put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye!

6 years ago

First off how is the egg diet helping Jack out? Second of all, duh don’t you know that the Jews are all of the same mind and should be…hell I can’t keep going with this, it is so fuckin ridic. I want off this planet and I want it right now. I said that in my very best Veruca Salt voice so you know.

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Thanks for asking, Jess. The egg diet appears to be helping. Gastro-intestinal stuff is the worst for dogs. If it lasts any longer than a few days, it can be a sign of serious illness. I’ve even heard of people losing their dogs from GI shit. Jack seems to be improving, so that’s a load off my mind.

LOVE me some Veruca Salt. Most people have never even heard of them. “The Seether.”

Reply to  BitcoDavid
6 years ago

Know what else settles their stomachs pumpkin and sweet potato all mashed up, even oatmeal. My vet told me about that, when one of my little dogs was having stomach issues and it worked wonders for her. While the band Veruca Salt is great, I was using it from Willie Wonka as the girl who wanted all the things and she wanted them right NOW 🙂

Mark Willis
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Pumpkin is the absolute best but don’t use too much or you’ll have a mess to contend with. Oatmeal is good as well, and GRAIN FREE dog food. More expensive but good on their tummies, and they don’t fart nearly as much.

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Thanks for the tips. He’s a little better now, and I think tomorrow we’ll go back to normal food. Jack’s dog food is dog food. But the other stuff he gets made our vet jealous. See, when I started my diet, I had to learn how to cook all the special foods I need, and still enjoy eating, enough to stick with the diet. It’s been 12-years, now, and on pain of braggadocio, I’m a fuckin’ kitchen sorcerer. Now, Jack eats slabs of trimmed shoulder bacon, eggs from happy chickens, Greek yogurt from Goat’s milk, Bison steak, special low-carb pasta, and 10$ a quart bone-broth.

6 years ago

But nobody has asked after Jack. My little dude has been on the eggs and rice diet for 3-days now.

6 years ago

If you’re on a plane and Trump has the stick make sure you’ve got a reliable parachute. It’s a long way down not to mention a painful landing indeed.

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