Happy Cats and the Free Roam Myth

I’ve had cats all my life. The ones who have had good, long lives are the ones who lived indoors. They are my pets, very much like my children. When I lived with parents and other guardians, who didn’t love cats the way I did, they were consigned to live outdoors.

Stop Being Conned By the Regressive Right

Stripping a man of his constitutionally ordained duty so you can put an anti-abortionist in the Supreme Court is pretty rude. Calling a man’s children “apes,” and “Monkeys” is pretty rude. Calling his wife an “ape in heels” is worse than just rude. Eight years of lying about a man’s birthplace is rude.

Republicans Drift Further Away From their Principles

Here we are…still. Nothing much has changed, but there are some fairly perverse things that are taking place in America these days. At one time or another one or more of us have in some way mention some of these things but they haven’t yet been put all together in a single package. What is so strange is that certain groups are actually turning against themselves probably without realizing it.

A Snake In the Grass: Trump Defender Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz! Too easy to make jokes using his name so I just call him Alan Snakeshit. Alan Dershowitz SS, if you prefer. I started calling him that when he helped free OJ using the same technique he always uses: the slander defense. Yeah, right it was Columbian Drug lords despite there not being the slightest evidence thereof.