How Much Longer Will We Have To Put Up With Trump?

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by Bill Formby

Here we go again. Herr Trump is daring anyone to challenge him on anything he has done. He has once again told the American people that he can do anything and get away with it. Defining collusion has been difficult until now, but the wait is over. The meeting with Russian operatives to gain dirt on his political opponent is now an admitted to fact. The meeting by his son, son in law, and campaign chairman clearly violated the law. He joined the conspiracy by putting out a denial that it was campaign related.

It is now time for his minions in Congress to get on America’s Bandwagon and off Trump’s. It is illegal for political parties to seek political help from hostile opponents of America. His lies, at least this one out of thousands, implicates him in the conspiracy to obstruct justice and to violate the law. Aiding and abetting after the fact the Russians in attacking the presidential election is considered as part of the act itself.

There is no longer any guesswork to the charges of the conspiracy. Donald Trump knew about the meeting, in my opinion when he said during the campaign that he was going to make “an important announcement” in a week. He and his campaign did, in fact, conspire to get opposition research from a hostile government and intended to use it to his advantage in the election. He also admitted to firing the then head of the FBI because of the “Russia thing”.

Even those who support Trump should now realize the extent of his lying, and the illegal efforts to which he was willing to go to win the election. He has thrown his disregard for America’s democratic process right into the face of the people and is daring someone to take him down with it. If Congress allows him to blatantly disregard the election laws and the democratic process in America then the country will lose its claim to be a democratic country.

There should be such an outrage among the American people that he should be immediately thrown out of office and locked up. But, will his supporters continue to insist that he stay there and continue to cheat, con and hustle America out of every dollar we have. One has to wonder after this if America will ever be considered to be a world leader again. Back where I am from in South Alabama we would say that it is now time “to fish or cut bait.” Will Representative Jordan of Ohio continued to be the president’s bitch, or is he a man who represents the people of this nation?

No longer can this continue. Trump stood beside the Russian leader against America and its institutions and now admits that his campaign was in violation of the law and he helps to try to cover it up. Whether he knew in advance of that meeting, which his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, states he did, is actually less relevant now because he stood in the way of the Justice Department finding out the facts by knowingly lying over and over to the American people.


In case you missed it: I Don’t Know If Donald Trump is a Traitor But…

About Post Author

Bill Formby

Bill Formby, aka William A. Formby, PhD, aka Lazersedge is a former Marine and a former police officer. He is a retired University Educator who considers himself a moderate pragmatic progressive liberal, meaning that he thinks practically liberal, acts practically liberal, and he is not going to change in the near future. But, if he does he will be sure to let you know.
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5 years ago

I have to agree with Shirley on this one. We are stuck with the fat bastard at least until his term is up, and if the Russians have their way, he’ll be re-elected in 2020. Get ready!

Bill Formby
Reply to  Caroline Taylor
5 years ago

You may be right Caroline, but we who write and try to get the truth across can’t just give up.

Bill Formby
Reply to  Caroline Taylor
5 years ago

You may be right Caroline, but we who write and try to get the truth across can’t just give up.

5 years ago

My dear American Friends, please know you will probably have to put up with Mr. Trump and his crooked organisation until at least your next election cycle. He has barely over two years left and that isn’t enough time to get him thrown out of his office. Your best hope is the realisation of Mr. Mahoney’s dream. I liked it.

Bill Formby
Reply to  Shirley62
5 years ago

Yeah, we know. But we can wish upon a star.

5 years ago

I had a dream last week that Trump was at Mar-a-Lago and was eating a steak, bragging about how great he was when he took a huge bite and started to choke. Everyone scrambled, but, alas, too late. The Promiscuous Porker of Pennsylvania Avenue was dead, and I remember being elated, then I woke up…

Reply to  Timmy Mahoney
5 years ago

“The Promiscuous Porker of Pennsylvania Avenue.” Dude! I’m so stealing this because it’s so true and that’s one of Trump’s finer attributes! #lockhimup

Bill Formby
Reply to  Professor Mike
5 years ago

That is a good one.

5 years ago

I also hope that truth still matters, but some days, after reading the Post and the Times, you know those stories about Trump, which are ubiquitous, I’m not sure. I’m just not sure.

Glenn R. Geist
5 years ago

I really hope that truth still matters.

Bill Formby
Reply to  Glenn R. Geist
5 years ago

As do I Glenn.

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