A Word Of Advice to the Berners

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by Gregory B. Gonzalez

When I heard that Bernie Sanders decided to throw his hat in the ring as a contender for the Democratic nomination for president,  my first thought was, “Great! Thanks for giving us four more years of Trump!”

I was a Bernie supporter back in 2016, but unlike his more hardcore supporters, I wasn’t one of the ones who were dumb enough to vote for the wanna-Bernie, Jill Stein, or the walking bottle of Xanax otherwise known as Gary Johnson. As for the nimrods who voted for Trump out of spite, well, I’m sure they’re all regretting it now. I only wish God had listened to my prayers and heaped the ten plagues of Egypt on them. They deserve all that and more.

As for Trump’s base, they deserve a scorching case of hemorrhoids and bleeding buttcheeks. I won’t tell you what I wish upon Trump. That would scare Satan back to the pearly gates, begging God for forgiveness.

Having said that, even though I was equally pissed that it seemed Bernie had been given the shaft by the Democratic National Committee, I did the mature thing, pinched my nose, and voted for the piece of dreck that was Hillary Clinton.

To this day, I don’t think it was necessary for the Russians to interfere in our elections; Hillary was so unpopular that if you looked up the word, ‘Battleaxe’ in the dictionary, you’d find her picture. But I guess that’s still better than having Trump’s face appear every time you google the word, ‘idiot’.

At any rate, I initially didn’t take Bernie’s announcement with a ton of enthusiasm. The last thing I want is for Bernie to be the Ralph Nader of 2020. That guy makes Bernie look like Che Guevara. Unlike 2016, I am formally supporting and endorsing Kamala Harris this time around. But if Bernie gets the nod, I will happily check his name on my ballot.

But if I may give a few suggestions, please, please, please, be more than a one-note candidate this time around, Bernie. Your rhetoric back in 2016 was almost as annoying as Trump’s.  That, and lose the ‘crazy old man’ hair. You look like you spend your nights tumbling around in a laundromat dryer rather than sleeping with your wife.

I know it sounds as though I’ve grown to hate Bernie, but I don’t. I still think he’s a stand-up guy as far as politicians go.

If I were to point the finger at anyone, it would have to be his band of millennial merry men. Although he lost the 2016 primaries to Clinton, Bernie had the dignity and class to tell his groupies that it was time to unite behind Clinton to fight the tangerine pestilence that is Donald Trump.

Did they listen, though? No, of course they didn’t. Like a bunch butt-hurt spoiled brats, they took their balls, went home, and pouted like a kid who went to his bed without dinner. And look at us now. Thanks a lot, Berners!

So I’m going to beg you: DON’T REPEAT YOUR MISTAKE.

Look, if Bernie gets the nod this time, awesome. Let’s hope he gives that piss-colored snowflake the beating of a lifetime. I will TOTALLY help you lead the charge. But if he doesn’t, don’t act like a bunch of whiny brats who sulk because they didn’t get the toy they wanted in their McDonald’s happy meal.

Stand by Bernie and do what he wanted you to do in 2016- vote BLUE. Save the country and yourselves. Stand united with us.

As the midterms proved,  the American people have enormous power when they vote; don’t be one the fools who stayed home three years ago.

If Bernie’s words and message resonates with you, then do what he would want you to do. Our country is sinking deeper and deeper into a cesspool of orange-colored slime, and if we don’t do anything about it pretty soon, we won’t have a planet left.

The moral to the story, kiddies? A movement is bigger than one man. As Bernie would probably tell you himself, YOU are the change in this country, not the message. Words can change, ideals do not. Mine never have.


About Post Author

Gregory B. Gonzalez

Gregory B. Gonzalez is an angry black man who isn't actually black. No, really- he told us to say that! His parents once had him tested for Tourette's, but when the doctor came back with his results, he said, "No, he's fine. Your son is just an a**hole!" It's been downhill ever since. He lives like the Unabomber, only without the explosives. Feel free to contact him provided you can actually locate him. Just keep in mind that he'll probably make fun of you to your face. We here at MMA can't stand him, so if you want him, he's all yours!
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Reply to  Gregory B. Gonzalez
5 years ago

sorry little dick…that’s not how we keep score…you don’t get to change the rules at the end because your shit candidate lost. This kind of stupid is why your team lost the election,the pathetic thing…the signs were all there from the beginning, she was the one candidate that liberals like myself and other uncommitted independents were not going to vote for…your team decided that she didn’t need to campaign certain places and that we all need to come to heel..how did that work out for you hiltard…

Reply to  Gregory B. Gonzalez
5 years ago

says the guy who voted for the candidate that lost to Donald f**king Trump..you can’t fix that kind of stupid…

jacob freshour
5 years ago

lol…The stupid that thinks it was Bernie voters that caused your queen to lose..You ran the worst candidate with the most baggage you could find, likely the only candidate that could have lost Putin’s piss boy. I vote democratic in national, stater, and local and myself like many others were not going to vote for your annointed queen. I’ll vote democrat again If the party listens to the people, but since it looks like they have already determined it is going to be Hillary II or as you call her Kamala Harris…then once again I will have to vote or right in an dependent. At some point the DNC and you neo-liberals are going to listen. From the feedback from people on Kamala Harris, she might even manage to get a bigger ass kicking than Hillary,,,,smdh…

Joe Hagstrom
5 years ago

Her mistake was not standing by her truthful statement. The deplorables weren’t going to vote for her anyway. Why pander to deluded fools? Trump has shown it’s better to be a dishonest prick to their enemies than treating them with any respect.

Holte Ender
5 years ago

Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” comment didn’t do her any good. She was right of course.

5 years ago

The Comey letter killed Hillary, however, I don’t believe Dems are uncompromising by any means. On the contrary, I think the Right are uncompromising. Maybe I’m just uncompromising.

Glenn Geist
5 years ago

It seems to me too, that Democrats are as uncompromising and show as much tunnel vision as the GIP, or Genetically Inferior Party. It’s all about principle, you see, which really means lack of objectivity or even prejudice. But do remember that although we’re in the habit of blaming Hillary for her unpopularity instead of blaming the liars, propagandists and Russian agents – she won the popular vote by a nice margin.

5 years ago

Can’t really say for certain it was disgruntled Berners that cost Hillary. She did win the popular vote by over 3 million. Democrats just haven’t found a way to get bigots, idiots and homophobes to set aside their ridiculous hatreds and fears to vote for anything but a republican. Bernie actually had a good message for them. Dems will win the popular vote with ease. It’s the 80,000 people spread across Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania they voted against Hillary that cost her the election. I still blame Comey for his bullshit reopening of the email nonsense that gave the idiot crowd a reason to vote against Hillary despite the menace of Trump. The Nader crowd is too far gone to vote for anyone but a lunatic so try all we want, these shitheads are going to vote, if they vote, for a kook. Forget about them.

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