HMS Terror Well Preserved Since 1845 Sinking

A remote-controlled vehicle sent to investigate the sunken HMS Terror found neatly organized desks, beds, glasses and plates.

When Mosquitoes Kill: Equine Encephalitis On Rise In U.S.

Laurie Sylvia is the fourth person in Massachusetts to contract a rare mosquito-borne illness.  She started feeling ill last Monday.

Serene Sanctuaries Where We Can Comfortably Lose Our Souls

I think of my continuing inner debate about good and evil as I hear of the latest policy change. It was made quietly, behind the curtain.

Dear Donald Trump: A Word About Space Force….

Okay, Sparky, we need to have us a little chat here, and since you’re such a dumbass, I’ll do my best to use small words so I won’t lose you.

Alexander Hamilton—The Federalist Papers and Republicans Today

It is noteworthy, even now, that Hamilton had the ability to foresee certain situations which may have surfaced in this nation.

Do My Dogs Get Lonely When I Leave Them?

Dogs do a combination of deep sleeping and light sleeping. The light sleeping means they really are more resting, I think.