Schooling the Devotees of Cult 45

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Jeff J. Mitchell/Staff/Getty Images

by Gregory B. Gonzalez

Donald Trump is an idiot, and yes, I know I’m stating the obvious, but I just felt I needed to reiterate it to those who haven’t quite figured it out. I know his cult of morons haven’t, being that they’re… well… morons. You need proof? Just check out a comment left on one of my articles by an ardent supporter:

“President Trump knows what he’s doing. He is confident in his skills and he is not afraid to tackle any task. His economy is booming. He has been very successful thus far dealing with Europe, China and North Korea. Why not tackle the middle East? If anyone can do it, he can. More power to him.”

I know this guy might sound erudite and educated, but keep in mind that I fixed his spelling errors and punctuation. As for being educated, you can be literate and educated and yet still be a drooling, delusional idiot. And for clarification, allow me to shed some light on some of your misconceptions- Trump has shown on many occasions, that in point of fact, (a word not in Trump’s vocabulary,) he has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Knowing what you’re doing and doing what you want because you think you can get away with it are two vastly different things. Trump doesn’t even understand why we don’t use nukes, either militarily or against hurricanes, for God’s sake, and despite what his acting Secretary of Defense may think, a nuclear war is not winnable. The only things left alive after a nuclear Armageddon will be cockroaches and Cher. And she’ll still be performing in Vegas. Probably.

As for being confident in his skills, I ask you, what skills? Tweeting on the toilet at three in the morning? Because I’ll give you this much, tweeting furiously on the can without dropping your iPhone could be a considered a skill, I guess. If you mean his skill as a negotiator, yeah, he negotiated his way into bankruptcy six times. If he was such a great negotiator, then he could have gotten funding from lenders in America instead of sucking on the buttcheeks of the Russian oligarchs. So much for that. His so-called ‘confidence’ is non-existent. Trump is actually the most insecure human being on planet Earth. He spends so much time whining about how unfairly he’s been treated by the press that I’d be amazed if he didn’t sleep with a binky. There’s a word for that- it’s called, ‘bravado’. Look it up. It has three syllables, though. It might take you awhile to learn to pronounce.

Trump doesn’t actually handle anything, his handlers do. That’s why he doesn’t do jack shit until eleven in the morning. His chief of staff doesn’t even set his agenda- Fox news does that. The only three things Trump is interested in as President is enriching himself, keeping his fat, spray-tanned ass out of jail, and scorching Obama’s legacy, for no other reason that he made fun of him at a dinner in front of a hundred people. Petty much?

As much as it may pain you to hear this, Trump’s economy is not booming. Just ask any economist in the country. They’ve all admitted that we’re headed toward an apocalyptic recession. And if they’re right, then Trump can kiss his chances for re-election goodbye. Why else do you think he’s desperate for some kind of win? The farmers won’t vote for him because the Chinese aren’t buying their soybeans, and the coal miners won’t vote for him because all the plants are shutting down after he promised to revive the coal industry. The only people he has left are the white supremacists, the religious right, and the remaining walking brain-dead. Trump inherited a booming economy, but he colossally fucked it up, to the surprise of no one with an IQ in the triple digit range.

 “He has been very successful thus far dealing with Europe, China and North Korea. Why not tackle the middle East. If anyone can do it, he can.” 

Is this a punchline? Because honestly, I keep laughing every time I read that sentence. Excuse me while I check my desk chair for a wet spot… Anyway, the only European country Trump has a good relationship with is Russia, and that’s only because Vladimir Putin put him in the White House. The rest of the countries in Europe think Trump is a joke and the United States has gone insane. The European Union would be happy if they never had to deal with him ever again. French President Macron stated it flat out at the last G7 summit- “We would be happy if it was just the G6,” and if the orange menace gets a second term, I’m sure it will be.

Trump likes to boast that he has the Chinese by the balls, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. We’re not taking in “billions” from tariffs, we’re paying billions in higher prices on imported goods. You know, those things you buy from Walmart? The Chinese government isn’t hurting, they’re laughing their asses off! For that matter, so is North Korea. Trump hasn’t accomplished anything there. Kim Jong-Un knows all he has to do is stroke Trump’s ego, and he’ll get the sanctions against his country loosened without giving up a damned thing.

Which is pretty much how you get anything from the “great leader”- all you have to do is kiss his ass. Trump’s sole negotiating skill is bullying, and he thinks that having a country at his beck and call gives him all the leverage he needs, but the world doesn’t work that way. We live in an age where America is not the sole superpower anymore. We’re not as great as we think are. Trump thinks that he is the country, and any attack on him his an attack on America itself.

At this point in his failing presidency, he’s looking for any lifeline that could save him from going into the history books as a cautionary tale. I don’t know what he’s thinking, sending troops to Saudi Arabia and picking fights with Iran. Nothing good comes from starting fights in the great sandbox, that’s been proven time and again. If he thinks that starting a war with Iran is a path to another term, he’s sorely mistaken. America doesn’t start wars- we finish them. Or we’re supposed to. Somewhere down the line, I think we forgot that. At any rate, can’t the Saudi’s hire Blackwater for their security? It seems like a job tailor made for them. I guess MBS is being a cheap bastard. Then again, Trump thinks of the military as his own personal mall security, so it’s no big loss to him.

Our country is being run into the ground by an ugly American, and he is making us all ugly in turn. If his followers can’t see that, if they can’t truly see what truly makes America great, then they don’t stand on what this country was founded upon. They, like Trump, aren’t interested in the common good, only their own greed, selfishness, and hate.

Trump said it himself, “I love the poor and the uneducated!” That pretty much makes all of his supporters one, the other, or both. I don’t pity them because they’ll never know any better, I only pity them for not seeing the worst staring them in the face.

About Post Author

Gregory B. Gonzalez

Gregory B. Gonzalez is an angry black man who isn't actually black. No, really- he told us to say that! His parents once had him tested for Tourette's, but when the doctor came back with his results, he said, "No, he's fine. Your son is just an a**hole!" It's been downhill ever since. He lives like the Unabomber, only without the explosives. Feel free to contact him provided you can actually locate him. Just keep in mind that he'll probably make fun of you to your face. We here at MMA can't stand him, so if you want him, he's all yours!
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4 years ago

And also? Me, arrogant? Damned right I’m arrogant. Mostly due to the fact that I know better than you because I can see through Trump’s bullshit.

Gregory B Gonzalez
4 years ago

@Frank- And with that statement, you just proved my point, you bloody nitwit.

4 years ago

How arrogant are you, really, because you think you are qualified to school those of us who believe Mr. Trump is doing a wonderful job. Maybe it’s you who need all that school, after all you elected the Clintons and then Obama, both of whom screwed up this great country. Mr. Trump is fixing it thank the Lord Jesus.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Frank150
4 years ago

I have the number of an excellent psychiatrist Frank. I will forward it on via the editor. he helped a good friend of mine who lived in New York. I’m (almost) sure he can help you too.

You’re welcome x

4 years ago

They are too stupid to school. And they won’t bevreading this.

4 years ago

My neighbor is a Trumper of the first order and we used to be friends. No way is anybody going to change his mind.

4 years ago

I don’t think they are ‘schoolable.’ I’ve tried and finally gave up. They are like drunks in that trying to reason with them is an exercise in futility.

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