We Must Not Forgive Trump His Lies and Immorality

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by Mark Bear

On this Easter Sunday, as many evangelicals watch a live stream of their respective services, and as many defy their governor’s order to remain shut in and inside their homes, I do want to allow each of those in my network who identify as “Evangelical,” and “Born-Again Christian,” to know one thing:

This isn’t about politics: IT IS ABOUT MORALS, and as a preacher I just find myself asking, “What is it about your support of Trump that makes YOU think you are ACTUALLY MORAL about anything? Let me answer for you: Not a darned thing. There is NOTHING this man has said or did that approximately places your support of Mr. Trump over the “love of your fellow man” as the Christ you publicly say you worship commands. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

So I provide each of you who fall into this category this morning—as you worship the resurrection of Christ—to remember one thing: you do not even remotely appear as Christ, nor do you behave like Christ. Now that may seem as though I am painting with a pretty broad brushstroke, and I want to let you know that I purposefully am. Why? Because YOU choose to remain silent.

I, on the other hand, follow Paul’s advice of preaching the word in season or out. That is, I am to preach the truth of God whether it is convenient for me, or not. I could not care, quite frankly, whether you think I am a buzzkill on Easter. My task is not to make you feel good, but to cause you to reflect upon the very truthful words of Christ.

Instead, you guys want to focus upon YOU, and concern yourselves with others, versus pulling the “beam of offense holding in the speck in your brothers.” And let’s not miss this: You persist in focusing on others rather than yourselves. You remind me of Paul prior to his conversion on the road to Damascus.

I am certain you will not hear THIS in your sermons today. And do not even tell me that your pastors have not injected politics into their sermons these days because I belong to nearly every group out there who states their affiliation with them. No! Since Mr. Trump promises you religious freedom, something you already had from the outset, you believe you must shower a chorus of praises upon him.

Let me be clear here: YOU are DESTROYING the Church. Your insensitivity and simple failure to call out the blatant lies, the pride exemplified by the man by boasting his ratings whilst men and women, boy and girl die across this nation at the pace of now standing at a death toll of over 21,400 is staggering. Ask yourselves: How many people who do not believe in the Christ we say we believe in, will take us with one hint of sincerity?

Let me answer: NONE! And why do I bring up the “moral” frame of this post? Glad you asked because a young man whose father died in Washington from Covid19 is quite the angry one and he shared a letter to Donald J. Trump. His mother fails to see Trump “ever reading that letter.” Now you can count this towards the grief he has, but you will most likely just argue how he is “another tool used by the Democratic Party to make Trump look bad,” am I right? Sure you will.

But there is a problem: The surviving child and mother are apolitical, meaning they do not have fealty to either Trump or those who oppose. Why? Because this young man gets it better than every single person professing belief who has not cried out telling Trump he has got to stop with this baloney. And I suspect you never will. But this young man did, and you each deserve to read it, and then repent from your ways for you have strayed so far from the truth of the Word as evidenced by your fruit or lack thereof, that you had better fall on your knees asking Christ for forgiveness before you all harden your hearts and become reprobates. Ideology does that, ya know; It places something as more important than what we are commanded in the scriptures.

This young man’s key takeaway: “It’s a moral issue, not political.” If there is one thing I have accomplished during my time here on earth it is this: I have always told each congregation I led, that going to church does not mean going to a building on Sunday morning. Why? Because you cannot possibly act like Satan during the week, only to behave as though you are better than every other person on the face of this planet. Besides, if you know the Bible you pound on the heads of others, you would already know this. We are all sinners! That book used weekly tells us, “If you say you have no sin, you are a LIAR”

REMEMBER THESE WORDS: “These people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me.”  Thus denying the power of God to change YOUR life, versus that of another.” Heck if I did not know any better, you have co-opted God by making yourselves Him, while casting the law upon all who do not agree with you.

In case you missed it: It Is Time for Fox News to Give Trump the ‘Obama Treatment’

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Mike Carson
4 years ago

What I find strange and unable to understand about this article and most of the commenters is the author and the commenters hold themselves better than the evangelicals. Wakeup, you all believe in the invisible bearded white guy in the sky. If this wasn’t so funny it would be sad. And, it is both. We are here on earth alone to find our way with the assistance of each other.

Donna Mullins Cox
4 years ago

I cannot “like” or “love” this article enough! The many born-again Christians who support and defend this poor excuse for a leader and incompetent, worst-ever a president in our history is astonishing and bewildering. He has publicly denied ever having asked for forgiveness and has spoken, behaved, acted and failed to act in such an evil way yet they have placed him on a pedestal and praise him above Christ himself. How it must hurt the heart of Jesus!💔

Myra Brewer
4 years ago

Even before this guy who got himself elected president took office, Mitchie’s Senate was proposing to gut the Congressional office of ethics. That proposal was sidelined and we still have an independent bipartisan group in place … but they stay silent and do not read the letters young fatherless boys write to the president to point out that the handling of Coronavirus solutions is an issue, not of politics, but on of morals.

Maureen A Reiff
4 years ago

Keep it going on this issue Doc! This is at the heart of his support! It’s awful! It’s blasphemy! It is antithetical to everything that Jesus taught us! He would be saying the same things as you! “Woe to you scribes, hypocrites and Pharisees”!

Glenda Durell
4 years ago

Thank you Mark for speaking the truth to all who will listen. There is none so blind as him or her who will not see, who totally refuses to see the truth before his or her eyes. I can almost picture Jesus looking down from heaven today and crying out, “And these are they who I gave my life on that cross at Calvary for.” Oh what a sad day it is.

Karen Huff
4 years ago

It continues to baffle me that “Christians” hold Trump in such high regard, forgetting that he said he has never asked God to forgive him — a basic tenant of the Christian faith in order to seek redemption.

Ray Leslie
Reply to  Karen Huff
4 years ago

Amen and again i say Amen !

4 years ago

Trump is not the God Emperor of Dune, nor is he either Christ or God. Therefore Evangelicals should NOT be worshipping him the way they do.

“There are none so blind as those who will not see” … blind people can see better than the average Evangelical these days.

Geraldine P.
4 years ago

Praise you, Mark, for bringing us your righteous word on this holiest of days.

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