Does Trump Know How Bad He Really Is?

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by Bill Formby

As part of his recent physical President Trump proudly announced that he “aced” his cognitive test. This test, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), according to sources is designed to test for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is a simple test that even President Trump should pass. It certainly is nothing to announce to the world about “acing” unless you were suspected of being a 6 year old. Even a 6-year-old would score pretty high on this test. One of the tougher questions was to count backward from 100 by 7s. (Speed does not count).

I might agree that the question about what is today? (Day, month, year) or Where are we right now (city, county, state) may be a little tough for a 6-year-old child. But I am sure that a fifth grader would know.

Other questions like Here is a sheet of paper; fold it in half and put it on the floor, or ‘I am going to show you two objects like a pencil and a wristwatch and you name them’ could likely be completed by a five-year-old.

Announcing how well he had scored on any test would be in line with Mary Trump’s assessment of Donald Trump’s raising in her description of the Trump family. Donald was raised to expect praise for anything he did whether it was worthy of praise or not.

It seems that Fred Trump, Donald’s father, had little time for his children except to criticize them. They had to seek praise on there own and/or praise themselves. Fred was too busy praising himself to worry about his children.

Fred was also taking care of business with no time to worry about his children and their problems. Empathy was not something that was in his make up, and thus Donald learned not to care about others as well. Just as we now see Donald Trump being his own cheerleader, it seems that those behaviors came straight from the trunk of the tree.

The problems that Trump has, including his psychopathy, were apparently well learned from his father. But, do not feel sorry for dear old Donald even though his brother, Freddy, did humiliate him when he was seven by dumping a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. According to Mary, he deserved it then as much as he deserves it now.

We now know that he has been this way since at least 7 years old,  so the chances of him changing now are somewhere between slim and none.

In case you missed it: Genetic Consequences of the Slave Trade and America

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About Post Author

Bill Formby

Bill Formby, aka William A. Formby, PhD, aka Lazersedge is a former Marine and a former police officer. He is a retired University Educator who considers himself a moderate pragmatic progressive liberal, meaning that he thinks practically liberal, acts practically liberal, and he is not going to change in the near future. But, if he does he will be sure to let you know.
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3 years ago

[…] Passed With Flying – uh – um – uh From Bill Formby in […]

3 years ago

AYUP he does and he does not give shit one about others knowing how bad he is because malignant narcissism. Hope this helps 🙂

3 years ago

I read her book, or listened to actually, and it was great. I couldn’t stop listening.

Bill Formby
3 years ago

It is clear from Mary Trump’s book that Donald is exhibiting learned behavior but he is carrying it to an extreme the might even shock his father. By the way, her book is well written and is does not appear to be written as a “gotcha” against Trump, but rather an attempt to explain why he his what he is and why he is so dangerous to the country.

Tall Stacey
3 years ago

The dead do not know they are dead.
The do not know they are stupid.
I’m pretty sure tRump is convinced he is perfect. What a putz.

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