An Englishman Says Facebook and the ‘Far Left’ Are After Him

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The rise of the far-right in the UK is a matter of great concern. Featured image by Flickr.

by Neil Bamforth

I received a 24-hour ban from Facebook for ‘hate speech’. Quite right too. Or it would have been if I’d actually written anything remotely akin to hate speech. What I actually wrote was ‘Yes’, or more accurately, ‘Yesss!’. I considered the possibility that, in the increasingly bizarre and censorious world of Facebook, adding two extra s’s and an exclamation mark was now a hateful thing to do.

A number of people are uncertain as to whether this is true. I advised them that, if there was anything more untoward than ‘Yesss!’ I would message them the full story.

The full story is as follows.

Somebody, I have no idea who, posted a picture on Facebook. It popped up on my feed for some reason.

The picture was of a dinghy, or inflatable craft, full of English Channel crossing migrants. Immediately next to it was another picture of a large hand holding a large pin. Below was the question, ‘Would you?’ followed by a ‘smiling and winking’ emoji.

Now I am fully aware that there are people who would find such a joke unfunny and, indeed, offensive.

Nevertheless, it was a joke. If you want to say it was in poor taste, fine.

That’s the thing with humor. It comes in so many forms. Slapstick, childish, dark, amusing, droll, bizarre, sick. The forms of humor are legion.

Different people find different things funny to varying degrees.

My stance on illegal migrants crossing the English Channel being what it is, I found it funny and commented my reply. ‘Yesss!’.

The very idea that I or anyone else come to that, would, or even could, stick a pin in a migrant filled dinghy is preposterous. I would suggest it would be impossible.

Facebook came to the conclusion that typing ‘Yesss!’ qualified as hate speech. I have no idea whether they would have reached the same conclusion if I had simply typed ‘Yes’. I suspect they would.

Facebook, for some time, have been moving their ‘terms and conditions’ to satisfy a particular group of people. Namely, those who support BLM, Antifa, and other far-left organizations.

The evidence for this is becoming overwhelming.

Indeed, my ugly mug has begun appearing on a number of far-left sites, much to my amusement. Apparently I am now ‘one of the enemies’.

A friend who started an FB group asked for my help administering it. The group had been infiltrated by both far-right and far-left trolls – I won’t give its name out here, although I have now made it a private group.

I explained to her that the title she chose for the group – which was, basically, an English patriotic title – was always going to attract such trolls from both extremes.

Still, it was too late to stop that so I set about finding them and blocking them. The site members seem to have started referring to me as ‘The Troll Hunter’, which makes me think, in my more alcohol-infused moments, that I am now an additional character in a new Lord Of The Rings type novel.

I’ve lost count of how many trolls, from both far left and right, I have removed, but it all seems far more peaceful in the group now.

Interestingly, none of the far-right groups who’s trolls I removed seem to have minded that much. Certainly, to date, my ugly mug has not appeared on any far-right groups as ‘the enemy’.

Only the far left seems to have been particularly upset. I have no idea why, but, I must admit, these days, the far left does seem more dangerous than the far-right – at least in England.

Mind you, several of the far-left groups in question were possibly more upset with me as I infiltrated them after my face was published and commented ‘BOO!’. No sense of humor some of these far-left types.

They also may have not been happy at receiving my advice to tighten up their Admin Security. After all, how the hell did their Admin let me in after posting my divine face on their wall?

Having infiltrated and read many posts from these far-left groups, I was very alarmed to find that they can say anything they like. Absolutely anything. Facebook doesn’t mind in the slightest. If you do lodge a complaint, they respond with ‘it does not breach our terms and conditions’.

That includes, on several occasions, outright threats of physical violence.

Far-right groups, on the other hand, are leaving Facebook in droves for alternative media outlets. In and of itself, that’s fine. Nobody wants extremist views on Facebook, but Facebook seems oblivious to the simple fact that far-left extremist views are every bit as bad – worse lately in many cases.

Far-left groups can get away with threatening physical violence against any who don’t share their views, but I get a 24-hour ban for typing ‘Yesss!’.

Make of that what you will.

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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Neil Bamforth
3 years ago

Holte : Nice one! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.. Actually I wasn’t upset, more bemused. Mind you, bemused is a fairly common condition of my mind 🤪

Holte Ender
3 years ago

If I was the Emperor of Facebook I would have written you a nice message, in simple, easy to read English that an eight year old would understand.

I would have called you “a very naughty boy” several times. Threatened to tell your mother, your teacher and sent you to you room.

Banning you for 24 hours obviously upset you. A good talking too and a few veiled threats should have sufficed. What is the world coming to, a person can’t even pretend to murder anyone these days.

Neil Bamforth
3 years ago

Steve : Daft as it sounds, it’s true. Two FB friends got the same and they just typed ‘Yes’. No, I didn’t post the pic.

Jess : Mad Uncle? 🤣🤣🤣…. I agree. It’s a bad taste thing in some eyes. I understand that. Bad taste is now a hate crime…. It is Orwellian.

Reply to  Neil Bamforth
3 years ago

Well I can’t call you papi or daddy. That would not be right 😉

3 years ago

Dude, you said yes to mangling a craft carrying people, like it was a balloon animal you were tired of your kid carrying around. That is fucked up in so many ways but to censor you, not down with that at all. Might be ignorant as all get out but you have the right to be an ass when you want to be as long as you know the rest of us have that same right to tell you, you are being an ass or arse in your vernacular 😉

3 years ago

Sorry there Neil but I don’t believe you. Simply writing the word ‘yesss” is not going to get your account suspended. You did something else, like post that picture you were talking about. After all, that would sound exactly like something you would do. Sorry. I’ve been following your anti-immigrant posts for some time now and that’s just you.

Reply to  Call Me Steve
3 years ago

Neil is the crazy uncle we don’t talk about in polite company 😉

Reply to  jess
3 years ago

LOL LOL! Now that about sums it up 🙂

Neil Bamforth
3 years ago

Glenn – Try it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Linda – Only your humor is acceptable then? Figures.

Greg – You deserved it! Wasting vodka like that! 🤣🤣🤣

Gregory Gonzalez
3 years ago

You’re wrong, Normie. They banned me for 30 days for telling a Russian Trump troll to shove a bottle of vodka up his ass and go sit outside in the snow to chill it. So they hate people on the left, too!

Reply to  Gregory Gonzalez
3 years ago

Wait, did you say to keep the lid on the vodka or off when shoved up Ivan Ivanovocek’s ass, this is very important question 😉

3 years ago

Stop whining and learn from it. Supporting hate posts with enthusiasm is hateful, even though you don’t recognize it. Next time Facebook will give you a week, and if you still don’t learn, expect a month.

3 years ago

I’m tempted to try them with Noooo! It’s been suggested that Yesss is a Wolof language word for some bizarre sexual practice, but I can’t confirm it.

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