The Absolute Reality of Voting in the 2020 Election

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by Gregory B. Gonzalez

Well, I did it. I voted today. But I gotta tell you, that damned ballot envelope never felt as heavy as it did before I opened it and cast my vote for the 2020 Presidential election. 

Seriously, I must have stared at the fucking thing for at least twenty minutes before I ripped it open. Before you start wondering, no, I wasn’t thinking of voting for Trump instead of Biden, or worse, wasting my vote on a third-party candidate. No, the main reason I stared at my ballot is that I sat there in my desk chair contemplating if my vote even truly mattered. 

Let’s be honest, I live in California, a state so blue that Kanye West has a better shot of winning it than Trump does. So if I wanted to, I could easily sit this election out and let the chips fall where they may. 


If I did that, it would set a bad example to my readers and I’d be a hypocrite, especially since this article is technically supposed to be my ‘rallying’ speech to everyone. In the past, I’ve spun it with humor, common sense commentary, and I’ve even gone so far as to royally piss you off in order to get you to vote. I just don’t have the energy for that this election cycle. 

Here’s the thing, though- I shouldn’t have to go to that much effort this time around. Donald J. Trump’s evil has been laid bare before your very eyes, and it’s so blatant that he’s not bothering to hide it anymore. Just the fact that he’s allowed over 210,000 of our fellow citizens to die a horrible death alone without being able to see their families one last time pretty much tells you all you need to know about him. 

He cares nothing for your lives, and you want to know why? Because there’s nothing in it for him. His enablers, butt-kissers, and supporters are there as long as they’re loyal and useful to him. Once they’ve outlived their shelf-life, they’re as disposable as soiled toilet paper. If that hasn’t sunk in by now, you’re either blind, stupid, or ignorant. 

I ask you, is it really any surprise that the country is falling apart? 2020 is almost over, and despite the pandemic, I’ve seen some truly beautiful things, acts of kindness and heroism that I only wish I could have been a part of. On the other hand, there have also been so many acts of cruelty and selfishness that have made me question my already shaky faith in humanity. Every damned day, I wake up dreading what I’m going to see on the news and hoping that it’s not going to be as bad as I think it’s going to be. 

Sometimes, I kind of liken it to living in a comic book universe, with the world in a constant crisis, never knowing if you can live your life wondering whether or not if Darkseid is going to destroy the Earth, or if Galactus is finally going to succeed in making the planet into his gourmet dinner. No thank you. 

Ever since Trump “won” the election in 2016, we’ve been praying for a hero to save us, whether it was the Electoral College, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Adam Schiff, or Nancy Pelosi. 

But no one is coming to save us. Superman is sitting this one out. 

I know hearing that is a sobering truth, but there is hope. There is one hero who can save us. There is one champion who can come charging in on a white horse and save us all. You wanna know who that is? It’s not Joe Biden. 

It’s you. It’s all of us. We can be the heroes we’ve only dreamed of being. We only need to do one thing:


A vote against Trump is like throwing a spear at a giant demon. One shot won’t kill it, but a thousand spears will hurt it long enough for someone to destroy it. 

Vote, otherwise, the country we were born into and love will cease to exist. We cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump. Don’t bother trying to convince any of his supporters, they’re a lost cause who have sold their souls without gaining a thing. Concentrate your energy on the undecided, indifferent, and the younger generation. It’s their world, too. They have to fight for it just as much as we do. 

Trump has no real interest in governing; he only wants to retain power to keep his fat ass out of jail and avoid paying off the 400 million in loans to whoever gave him that money. The GOP is only too happy to stand by him because he’s a useful idiot. But because of his rabid fanbase, they live in fear of a mean tweet if they stand up to him. They are cowards who must be voted out, too. 

So, get out there and vote folks. Vote not as if your life depends on it, but reality itself as we know it because it sure as Hell does.

About Post Author

Gregory B. Gonzalez

Gregory B. Gonzalez is an angry black man who isn't actually black. No, really- he told us to say that! His parents once had him tested for Tourette's, but when the doctor came back with his results, he said, "No, he's fine. Your son is just an a**hole!" It's been downhill ever since. He lives like the Unabomber, only without the explosives. Feel free to contact him provided you can actually locate him. Just keep in mind that he'll probably make fun of you to your face. We here at MMA can't stand him, so if you want him, he's all yours!
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Donna Cox
3 years ago

This election is the most important and critical in my lifetime. I’ve never looked forward to voting as much as now and I will proudly cast a vote for Biden with full knowledge that it is a vote against the most evil, ignorant and lying bastard to ever hold the office of POTUS. As always, I enjoy your writing so very much! 💙 🇺🇸

3 years ago

[…]   Vote this year!      [Image from mana5280 on Unsplash] From Gregory B. Gonzalez in MadMikesAmerica: […]

3 years ago

I placed my ballot in the dropbox yesterday. I’ve voted in lots of elections but this was the most important.

Bill Formby
3 years ago

Greg, I am in a similar position except I am in Alabama, possibly the reddest state in America. No one stands a chance here except Trump or his cronies. But I will vote for Biden regardless if, for no other reason, I do not want to feel I had anything to do with what Trump will do to this county.

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